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been watching a lot of the TV programme Border force and it has really got me thinking about how we deal with immigration in this country.  I believe we are far too soft and I am interested to see what everyone else thinks?

For starters at the moment an immigrant can come in to this country either legally or illegally al they then have to do is "get rid" of their passport meaning that the authorities are unable to remove them from the country if they over stay or were not allowed to enter the country to start with.

Secondly when caught as being illegal the authorities generally just allow people "bail" whereby they have to report every day or whatever however most of them just disappear.  Do we need to be harsher in order to prevent this from happening?

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Right this is getting beyond a joke now - those of you that dislike me why are you even bothering to post in any thread I start??  All you are doing is making ridiculous posts whoch have absolutely nothin what so ever to do with the subject matter - your behaviour mimicks that of school yard bullies.  I couldn't care less if you don't like me or what you think of me however some of you are very hypocritical and have accused me of all sorts in the past yet if I ever behaved like some of you do I would be utterly ashamed.  Classic bully behaviour hiding behind your keyboards and each other - it really is pathetic!!
TBH Scotty I find that quite rude - how I choose to ask a question is my choice - my post was in no wy offensive so tbh I think you are being a little unfair by claiming that my way was an incorrect way to ask a question.

How on earth was Scotty rude?

Anyway, in answer to your question: I think its hard to say or judge on the matter. Some immigrants come to this country fearing for their lives and trying to escape the crap they already live in.  They just want a safe place to live, but on the other hand it is getting out of control.
How on earth was Scotty rude?

I'm not ignoring this point however as I have already said to Scotty I will no longer discuss it.

Anyway, in answer to your question: I think its hard to say or judge on the matter. Some immigrants come to this country fearing for their lives and trying to escape the crap they already live in.  They just want a safe place to live, but on the other hand it is getting out of control.

I agree people do come here for all sorts of reasons and for me that is a whole different subject - I am looking more at how we deal with such people when they are living here illegally and whetehr the systems we have in place at the minute are good enough.

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