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ust dislike Robbie Williams

Bloody hell I've actually found someone else who dislike Williams  I think the new look Take That have been doing brilliantly without that big eejit.
I will NEVER go and see them while they have him with them and I will NEVER understand why he was allowed back.

Money I suppose although they were doing more than fine without him.
I will NEVER go and see them while they have him with them and I will NEVER understand why he was allowed back. Money I suppose although they were doing more than fine without him.
I have a theory that this will be their last tour, allowing Robbie back benefits them all....they're not stupid, they know the selling power of seeing them all back together again. I know tickets would've sold anyway, but for us oldies it's going to be great

I never understood why people think they have to like one or the other, I like Robbie and i like TT, I'm over the moon about seeing them all back together...whoop...Friday 3rd June for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I saw them at the MEN in December 2007, at Trafford cricket ground June 2009 and now I get to see them all back together.....
The Devil In Diamante
I know what you mean DiD but Robbie was vile to them when he left - I mean FFS he had been part of a hugely successful boyband,made his fame and fortune and because he perceived that he wasn't as well treated as the others, threw his toys out of the pram and left.
That is fair enough... but to write nasty songs, to gloat when Gary didn't do as well as he did -to basically stick 2 fingers up at them when he was successful is sickening.
He is an arrogant immature waste of time - he has had a few good songs which were good at the time but by and large forgettable.

And that is why I could never go and see him with them. He is vastly over rated as a singer and songwriter and lets make no mistake - the only reason he is back with them is because his career was on the skids and he wanted to get it back again.

Sorry but for me personally, Take That died when they took him back,
Sorry but for me personally, Take That died when they took him back,
With respect, that does seem a bit OTT   It's a mutually beneficial business merger - simple as that, really. No emotions or morals to muddy the waters - just a lucrative commercial venture.  Everyone's a winner, including the fans. 
My Concierge Service offered me the option of front-row seats ages ago at a venue of my choosing.  I can't be arsed, to be honest. They're OK I suppose, but not good enough for me to hyperventilate over.
Yes, I am bragging - although it happens to be true. So, whatchoo gonna DO about it?

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