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I love all of my online buddies, some people you do just tend to agree with or always can count on to make you laugh so to all of them thank you. I wont name them as there are far too many, but im sure you know.  Monobrow Jo, Cinds, tree and that small chap whos name escapes me, and that woman that insists we go to yates's, suzi Q, moonbeams, DID, Jesus and KG I love you all x
I also feel i should appologise to all the lovely ladies i have flirted with over the years whome i thought were actually male
   awwwww I've enjoyed your threads about the Nige a lot  love the SITers, Highlighters, CDWM/Coach Trippers especially 

love all my bus stop buddies   and a big up to the Blizz for making me laugh so much 

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