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well........just got back from my mums 20 miles away with a 2006 payslip... yaay i thought... agency called again...
`oh dont worry about those payslips we have verified you worked there.. the company you worked for before that one cant remember you so can you dig a payslip out from them from 2005`
... for crying out loud.... i am on jobseekers... i cant keep doing this...back to mums... again....
suppose i should have them here but still.............barstewards
i am about to lose it........... on the verge of screaming.... they have my payslip but no one there remembers me from 5 years ago.. new staff.... want bank statements showing they paid me as wageslip not enough.... got paid cash from the float so not on bank statement.... want proof of benefits received when i had a pot on for 8 weeks... was not claiming as i figured i could not look for a job until i could walk.. not good enough... i want to shoot them.. looks like i may not have a job... also want proof of employment from may 2010.. i was employed with them FFS

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