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Being the scaredy cat, spineless fool that he is he's given me an idea for the S&R task. Steve nommed JJ and Josie but after winning the S&R task he was too scared to put Josie up and as JJ was already up so he goes for Andrew instead.

My idea is - The person who wins immunity HAS to choose one of the people they nominated to put up for eviction.

It would certainly put a cat amongst the pigeons. It would take the edge off winning it too as it has a honesty side of it where one the nommed HM's will know who nommed them...

Waddya think?

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They should do an announcement...

'Steve, you nominated Josie and john James....As John James is already up for eviction your other nominee, josie will automatically now replace you. Please move the cards onto the correct board.'

In the event that both the winners nominees are available to be picked they should just tell them to pick one and if they are both already up then they get the free choice.
'Steve, you nominated Josie and john James....As John James is already up for eviction your other nominee, josie will automatically now replace you. Please move the cards onto the correct board.' In the event that both the winners nominees are available to be picked they should just tell them to pick one and if they are both already up then they get the free choice.
LOL... that is exactly how they should do it Croc
Lazybug the producer of BB goes on to DS. If you are a member over there why not put your idea up over there? They might go for it.
Oooh good idea - but I am scared to post over there There are some big scary hairy people over there...

As to other responses about nomms being affected I think it'll make HM's be more thinking about who they nom rather than the easy option...
They should do an announcement... 'Steve, you nominated Josie and john James....As John James is already up for eviction your other nominee, josie will automatically now replace you. Please move the cards onto the correct board.' In the event that both the winners nominees are available to be picked they should just tell them to pick one and if they are both already up then they get the free choice.
Ooooooh that's exactly how I envisage it!!!

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