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I agree about the codeine 



If you use the effervescent co-codamol as your painkiller (they are paracetamol & codeine)..   then try (& I know its not easy) to gargle with them before you swallow.   (yeah..  they taste rank)


apart from that..    its just a case of snuggling up & eating ice cream & soup...


awwww Rawks..   I'd look after you if I could..    I am very experienced at having tonsilitius/glandular fever patients tucked up on the sofa...    


I know to come through and feel brow every half hour..   followed by a concerned nod & acknowledgment that forehead was hot...


to freshen bedding every few hours,  plump pillows,  offer any type of drink or food that may help (including homemade soups - we found french onion, laced with garlic and red wine to be quite effective)...  



Loki the (getting bloody huge) puppeeeee is also poorly today..    (he's got a bad tummy)


we have him tucked up on the sofa  




Using a straw involves less muscles.

I worked with a guy with brain atrophy and we were asked not to use a straw as it throws the fluid to the back of the throat and fails to involve the use of the lips and tongue. Drinking normally uses the lips, tongue and the mouth to move the fluid backwards to the throat and demands much more thought/effort.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I gargle salt water  I used to get it once a month but touch wood haven't had it for a while, take pain killers every 4 hours and try to get some sleep

I was like that in my teens, tonsillitis on a cycle of 6 weeks.  Had it for the first time in about 15 years earlier this year.


Rawky all of the above sounds like good advice.  Hope you're feeling better soon.

I had it a few times as a child. Dreadful illness! My father insisted that I kept them as he had a theory that they were there for a purpose!!?? Meanwhile my friends told tales of unlimited amounts of ice cream after their ops! Hope you are better soon and don't forget if you are taking anti-biopics then try to top up with live yoghurt!
Garage Joe

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