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The first time I heard the Lady GaGa song I thought it was so bad I wanted to go out and twat people on the head randomly with blunt objects. I've heard it loads of times since and still hated it but tonight watching the task and hearing it on the HL's I thought... actually... it's not really that bad, it's not awful. It's kind of... well... it's okay, in fact it's quite good. omg. I can't believe I said that.

Be gentle with me

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I loathe Lady GaGa, not especially for her music, more for the effect that she's had on female singers. None of them now can shoot a video without wearing a basque, suspenders and thong. Forget the music, it's all about how much flesh you can flash.
I concur. Gaga ruined pop/RnB music. Suddenly everyone wants to be edgy and look demonic in their videos. Nobody thinks about the kids anymore, its all about how much money they can milk out of impressionable youth.
I really don't know enough about her to be able to respond to some of the comments here. I've seen some of her videos and saw her perform live once (on TV). I don't really care about image (I'm not a kid anymore lol) I just like or don't like music based on songs alone. I don't see how it matters that she's allegedly ruined new artists by influencing them, they would have copied something equally banal anyway since they're generally all style no substance these days anyway.

I wish there was a 'shrug' smiley.
Can we throw Justin Bieber on that pile too?

I wasn't a huge fan of Bad Romance until I saw it on Glee, I like the Glee version, cause Glee rocks! There's nothing wrong being a straight, male adult and enjoying a bit of Glee. So don't give me any of those looks. I'm telling you. Its a great show. Makes me proper laff. Sue Sylvester is the best. I'll shut up now. But instead I won't. Just cause I like Glee does not make gay. Glee is for everyone. Except little kids. They should stick to High School Musical. Which is a big pile of tosh if you ask me. I saw the first High School Musical on telly a couple of years ago. God it was awful. I wanted to rip my skin off from its awfulness. I tell you what else is awful. ITV. What a crap channel that is eh? Its like the ultimate, chavvy, C list celebrity channel. It just rages me with the amount of crap they show on that channel. X Factor. Britains Got Talent. Jungle Show. Katie Price. Incidentally, is it me or does Katie Price actually look like the material that The News of the World is made out of? I can't stand The News of the World either. In fact I don't like any red top papers. Actually I don't read any papers due to having an odd phobia of them. They smell weird.
Last edited by Rawky-Roo
Can we throw Justin Bieber on that pile too? I wasn't a huge fan of Bad Romance until I saw it on Glee, I like the Glee version, cause Glee rocks! There's nothing wrong being a straight, male adult and enjoying a bit of Glee. So don't give me any of those looks. I'm telling you. Its a great show. Makes me proper laff. Sue Sylvester is the best. I'll shut up now. But instead I won't. Just cause I like Glee does not make gay. Glee is for everyone. Except little kids. They should stick to High School Musical. Which is a big pile of tosh if you ask me. I saw the first High School Musical on telly a couple of years ago. God it was awful. I wanted to rip my skin off from its awfulness. I tell you what else is awful. ITV. What a crap channel that is eh? Its like the ultimate, chavvy, C list celebrity channel. It just rages me with the amount of crap they show on that channel. X Factor. Britains Got Talent. Jungle Show. Katie Price. Incidentally, is it me or does Katie Price actually look like the material that The News of the World is made out of? I can't stand The News of the World either. In fact I don't like any red top papers. Actually I don't read any papers due to having an odd phobia of them. They smell weird.
This is the best rant EVER. It is up there with one of Barmie Brummies as far as I am concerned.
I've never liked it, but Sunshine took my dislike of it to a new level
Sunshine's GaGa obsesion was quite endearing, as was Sunshine!

It's not really music for me and I don't really get it.  Just sounds like cheesy Euro dance to me with more of an outrageous (although not if you're over ten and under 70) personality behind it.

Some people seem to be fascinated with the idea that GaGa might be a man - I hope she is!  But then they said that about the Pussycat Dolls and they didn't deliver in the 'one of them is a man' department.
I concur. Gaga ruined pop/RnB music. Suddenly everyone wants to be edgy and look demonic in their videos. Nobody thinks about the kids anymore, its all about how much money they can milk out of impressionable youth.
Or on the other hand, casually imply crime is cool, which commercial R&B has been particularly good at. As in this one.  No problem with the song, it's quite good, but not really thinking about the impressionable kids!

I'm all for artists trying to look a bit weird and edgy in videos, it's all pantomime.  I'd rather that than push the whole gangster thing.
Last edited by Carnelian

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