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least, for the time being!

a little black and white cat has been stalking me for the last couple of days, had no collar but as we had new neighbours a few days ago i assumed the cat belonged to them. today it turns up at my back door yowling very loudly as usual, so we open the door, it comes pounding in with a Cat's Protection League collar on it. so we rang them up and turns out it's a seemingly homeless cat that the CPL have their eyes on, trying to find it's owners, in the meantime we've said we will look after him even if it is just for tonight...i dont like cats out in the he was noisy mind you he is still being trouble by keeping my son awake lol!


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I don't like cats having collars on them. I think they can be quite dangerous for when they are climbing trees and stuff. And the ones with bells jingling away on them just alerts nearby dogs that there's a cat around to attack.
Cat collars are very safe, the elastic lets it slip off the neck if caught, mine delibretly go under a bush and reverse to lose for dogs is'nt it against the law for them to roam free, if they are in a garden the cat can see or smell them so won't intrude..

Lovely cat Darth....
Darthhoob, those photo's bring back memories of my cat 'Muffin' we had her for 18 years. She hated people except us.

One of my cats is like that. She'll only come to us, if anyone else goes within a metre of her she's off like a shot. Where as my other cat, if he's having a wash in the middle of a road and the bus comes along, he'll carry on until he's finished. The bus can wait. Seriously.
Crunchy  Nuts
the kids of the neighbours (who reported him to CPL) call him toby, but ofc i doubt that is his real name, he's very friendly, good condition and quite young i reckon so he must have a home already.

funny thing is, for the last 2 months i've been dying to get another cat/kitten and been eyeing up the local CPL adoption pages lol....looking for a black/balck and white cat (as they seem to be the ones harder to find homes for for some reason)...i also was toying with the idea of fostering...but never applied in the end as i have a cat already..and kids lol!

it could be fate ...not getting hopes though tho.
Veggieburger offline 4534 Forum Posts Today at 11:25 (Last Edited: Don't you have rats too Hoobs? That could be fun! Really hope you keep him, he looks at home with you in the pics Demantoid - that is a brilliant description 'tuxedo cat'. I love it
i do have rats yes, and the cat has found them! he keeps staring at them...but the rats aint bothered...the top rat hissed at him and he's not tried to get at them since...still watches though lol! if he stays he'll soon learn like the last one did

IF we do get to keep him i shall call him Tuxedo or maybe Bond lol...will also get his knackers removed too tho
he loves him, drew pics of him and everything! i've explained that we cant keep him (not even mentioned that there is that possibility) but he loves him lol.....oops!

i think it's because, unlike our cat, he likes the attention he gives

sadly looking on the website there is a cat that fits his description that went mising mid feb, but halfway across town. in the found section this cat is in there (no pic yet) and said he was found late jan though...although we've only noticed him the last few days. will have to talk to neighbours as it could be that they noticed him alot sooner than we did.

i say sadly....i mean sadly for us LOL
when i say the found section...i mean Tux is on there lol, but says he was found earlier than we found him (but neighbours may have spotted him earlier, as he was using their shed before last night).

bah it's confusing! CPL is trying to get hold of the ones that lost their black and white cat and show them piccies...seems alot of black and white cats are missing, found, up for adoption though

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