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He hasn't said boo to Corin since she told him where to get off, funny that eh? But not all people can stand up for themselves like that. For some people it quite simply isn't in their nature. When he forces such situations upon people yes it IS a form of bullying.
Exactly....He was teased at school because of his height,it was deemed bullying....He zooms in on those who he deems weaker so yes it is tantamount to bullying...Hunted becomes the hunter.
Reference:'s just words.
Words and insults and constantly wearing women down can sometimes be worse than a slap, and believe me, words stay in your head, and over time saps at your self esteem. JJ manages , by his constant, repetitive belittling of his prey to effectively wear them down, i hope he has met his match in Corin
Verbal abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse...dont ever underestimate the power of being tormented.

But that's off the subject really...I dont think JJ is in a position to wield that kind of power over anyone in the house, emotional abuse is sneaky and eats away at you...thankfully for people in there they are not one on one with it and arent in any real danger.
My advice to you Soozy - you may have had 3 kids,but thank the lord you have not had someone  6ft tall screaming abuse in your face. Thank the lord you have not been told that you are stupid and worthless. Thank the lord that you haven't had to pretend that everything was all right when it blatantly wasn't.
And truly believe me I  really thank God that I haven't. I've been lucky in my life. you see JJ as that type of man though? Or is he an immature argumentative young man? I honestly think far too much is being read into his immature ramblings....................................I've not read it as violent in any way ...........petulant yes ........violent no.
Soozy Woo
Reference: As someone who has been in an abusive relationship it is NOT just words. The emotional abuser knows how to target and what to say. He knows how to make you feel that it is all your fault and you end up apologising all the time. I agree 100% Isadora.... and I too have *been there*

Been there as well but on a slightly different level, grew up in a situation where this kind of belltttlement went on to us all the time.  If you've never had to live through it, it is impossible to understand. I wouldn't take the crap now but I empathise with people who do, it is not weakness it is fear.
Is it threatening/damaging? I don't see it myself .............I'd give as good as I got verbally

.................can't see the problem. yes he's argumentative but I don't see him as threatening or violent.
And therein is the difference....You are capable of giving as good as you get,many of us are,others are not so capable and oddly enough it's those he targets....It wasn't shown on the HL's but after his row with Corin yesterday there he was in the bedroom  boasting to Josie and Caoimhe he said blah blah blah and laughing about it,yeah he's some man I will say if he finds that an achievement.
IMO, JJ's carrying on's are calculated to hurt and belittle.
I know Baz... I know its how you and some others see it.   I get that.

Its just that I don't see it like that...  just cos he's a bloke and they are female... he's not arguing them into the ground... they are standing their ground and imo they actually go to town on him in my opinion.

I think to classify JJ's behaviour in the house as abusive is dangerous ground...  I think it carries a risk of undermining real abusive situations.

I'm not saying this to be argumentative... its my honest opinion.  I can see people on here feel very passionate in their hate towards JJ... and I am reluctant to actually make a serious post on it all.

On tonights highlights I am not sure I would have been able to be as restrained as JJ was when Corin was screeching like a 6 year old playground diva at him!   I liked her up until then.

(and am gonna do a runner out of this thread now...   )
My advice to you Soozy - you may have had 3 kids,but thank the lord you have not had someone  6ft tall screaming abuse in your face. Thank the lord you have not been told that you are stupid and worthless. Thank the lord that you haven't had to pretend that everything was all right when it blatantly wasn't. And truly believe me I  really thank God that I haven't. I've been lucky in my life. you see JJ as that type of man though? Or is he an immature argumentative young man? I honestly think far too much is being read into his immature ramblings....................................I've not read it as violent in any way ...........petulant yes ........violent no.
My ex husband was not violent ( well maybe once or twice a long time ago). But yes I do see JJ as a potential emotional abuser.
I watch him and he scares me.
This is a BB forum I don't want anyone who wants JJ to stay in the house because they see him as entertaining and good for the show to feel they can't speak their mind here. I didn't intend to open this hornet's nest all I can say is some people have an unshakeable view of JJ and as long as those who don't respect that and the other side respects the right of other people to air opposite views related to the show (not the sensitive subject which has somehow come up for discussion) everything should be hunky dory.

 to everyone.
Words are NOT just words..... maybe I am just a weak person.

No you are not weak,not at all....You're another lady who was unfortunate enough to become trapped with an abuser ,there are millions and millions just like you but you got out so you're no more a victim you're a survivor.
Thank you. The trouble is a lot of emotional abusers are seen as decent people because a lot of the time they can be charming and therefore their partners think it is the rough with the smooth. 
I thought I was happily married and that the abuse was just part of being married...
I didn't think I deserved anything else.
Its just that I don't see it like that...  just cos he's a bloke and they are female... he's not arguing them into the ground... they are standing their ground and imo they actually go to town on him in my opinion. I think to classify JJ's behaviour in the house as abusive is dangerous ground...  I think it carries a risk of undermining real abusive situations.
Did they stand their ground?,Corin and Josie yes but the others no,....If it were a case of a silly argument fine happens to us all....He is calculating ,he chooses who is next days in advance and sets the wheels in motion....He is in full control of his temper he doesn't target what he deems strong HM's he goes for weaker ones....As for real abusive relationships I spent years working with the victims of such relationships ,under no circumstances would I EVER be guilty of undermining their pain and from where I am standing he is abusive hence my intense dislike for him.
Don't be daft Ditty you are entitled to your opinion as much as anyone, we just see JJ in completely different ways
Its very difficult to argue against a situation being abusive...  it nearly always ends up in an emotionally charged posts, and accusations of "not understanding". 

For the record I totally understand abusive relationships...   My father is a complete arse (and that is me being charitable)...  that is about all I am prepared to say about it on here... but just so that people know...  I absolutely understand what bullying is, and what verbal & psychological abuse is all about.

And I don't agree that JJ is bullying or abusing anyone.
I am not belittling anyones experiences in abusive relationships here ...........we are not talking about anyone in any danger - JJ likes a row - it's plain to see ......maybe some aren't capable of standing up to it but's a big house - there are others in there - he doesn't corner them in a closet FGS!

IMO ........they don't stand up to him cos they don't want to look bad on TV - simple as. I really and truly sympathise with anyone who has gone through emotional abuse ...............the BB House however is a big house - it's being recorded - there are lots of other HM's in there. I'm sure there are those who have lived through terrible things that simply see that in JJ ..............I don't get it TBH. He likes a row - end of.
Soozy Woo
Or is he an immature argumentative young man?

That I could deal with Sooz,let's be honest we've all encountered some of those in our lifetime.....If he were simply argumentative that would apply right across the board,he'd be as argumentative with Steve Dave any of them really,he isn't though so as I said he is in full control of his temper.
If he were simply argumentative that would apply right across the board,he'd be as argumentative with Steve Dave any of them really,he isn't though so as I said he is in full control of his temper.
That's my reading too...... apart from Ben... who bless him doesn't really count....... he has never tackled any of the guys in there, and from that I can only deduce that he is a coward at heart.
I don't agree Suzy...  but I don't want to argue with you..
Don't be daft. The forum is the venue for banter imo. We log off (eventually) and go back to what passes for our lives. But, if I was in the BB house and JJ was in my face for hours on end repeating the same hurtful thing over and over again to me, I think I'd crumble. And I live in S. London where I even do the school run with a swagger and scowl  Have I ever told you about my feud with our Lolly Pop lady....even she's a gangster!
Emotional abuse isnt something that happens wears away at you, beats you down, is more subtle that physical abuse....and while I have every sympathy for anyone who is/was a sufferer, I really dont think JJ can be accused of it (yet) because none of the housemates are in a position to have been targetted that way....they havent had the time, or the 'privacy' for want of a better word.

It's awful when you can see traits in people, but really, I dont thin we are quite at that stage (BB really brings the emotional side out in people, and its understandable I suppose)

And no, I am not talking out of my hat btw..
I think your all just gonna have to agree to disagree to agree that you both disagree on your chosen housemates... agree?
Of course's always the way. It would be quite ridiculous to assume that we could all support the same HM. Some we simply can't stand and will look at any weak spot to make our own point. The ones we like we will turn a blind eye and defend to the death. As it is it always was .........LONG LIVE BB.
Soozy Woo

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