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Hi Soozy, yes the majority of JJ, fans are young girls, Facebook now is a way of teens communicating, and they can start a "Get JJ to win" thing no problem. Corin, i think is a genuine nice person, but everyone has a breaking point and she had hers. I dont see how this makes Corin a fake, just a human being. Her phrases are the way she speaks, personally it would drive me round the bend

If they think (rightly or wrongly) that JJ and Josie's fake showmance will bring them more viewers they'll keep them in if they can. It's naive to think otherwise.
Is it? I hate showmances as I think most do. Actually though ...........I think there really is something between JJ and Josie. I don't look for conspiracies .......................and I have never felt that the production team at BB have in mind someone they want to win. As I said before - someone may be very nice but boring ...................entertainment and interesting stories/scenarios make the HL show - that's what makes a good programme. Nothing wahtsoever to do with favoured HM's.
Soozy Woo
There are alot of teen girls voting for JJ... but there are also older women who think they are still teen girls voting for JJ...
So anyone voting for JJ thinks they are a teen girl? Why would you say that? I'm a very proud grandmother I don't try to be younger than my years .............if it's a vote to save ..............maybe I'd vote JJ - maybe not - I haven't made up my mind yet ..........certainly not a wannabe teen girl though.
Soozy Woo
So anyone voting for JJ thinks they are a teen girl? Why would you say that? I'm a very proud grandmother I don't try to be younger than my years .............if it's a vote to save ..............maybe I'd vote JJ - maybe not - I haven't made up my mind yet ..........certainly not a wannabe teen girl though.
I was only kidding Soozy, il keep it zipped now
Teen girls and *Experienced* older females who think they can resolve his 30 second problem.
Really? Maybe mothers who are seeing their very own argumentative son in there. It's not all about fancying and the young girl scenario you know. The voting public are of all ages and come from all walks of life's not always about voting for who you 'fancy'. Sometimes you see things in HM's and just take a shine.
Soozy Woo
Really? Maybe mothers who are seeing their very own argumentative son in there. It's not all about fancying and the young girl scenario you know. The voting public are of all ages and come from all walks of life's not always about voting for who you 'fancy'. Sometimes you see things in HM's and just take a shine.
I have sons,3 of them none perfect no-one is however imo he is not simply argumentative,in fact if that were the case I could accept it...It's how he targets certain HM's,with the exception of Ben the others all female, that is not just being argumentative....He's not so quick to be argumentative with Steve or any of the other blokes ,oh no....That indicates he's in full control of his temper ,he chooses who to direct it at ,plots plans and set's the wheels in motion for days before striking....If my nieces were in there being verbally abused by him I'd be waiting on him coming out,he's a loose cannon without a doubt and if you're a female or someone he deems weaker watch  out.
oh fgs relax people....

he won't win it....  

I know this, cos the housemates I like never win it!    I am the kiss of death in any reality competition show type thing.  My preferred model never wins BNTM or ANTM, I was convinced Chris Fountain would win Dancing on Ice... but he didn't (robbed he was!!), the brilliance of Pantsman cereal was overlooked in the Apprentice....

so fear not...   I would quite like JJ to win... and therefore he won't
If my nieces were in there being verbally abused by him I'd be waiting on him coming out,
Verbally abused (if that's how you see it - yes) has he been physical .........why isn't it possible for a woman to stand up 'verbally' to a man. I'm not getting the reasoning behind all this TBH ...........he's nowhere near as bad as Charley BB* .............he's never been physically threatening ............where's the problem? I have two sons and one daughter .......believe me she whips the arses off them with her tongue when she needs to. There is no threat of physical violence ..........where's the problem? words are words.
Soozy Woo
he won't win it....   I know this, cos the housemates I like never win it
I can empathise here, I wanted the twins to win and they never did. We never get what we want. I would quite like JJ to die in a freak headbutting the wall in a mumbling rage accident but just because I want it to happen you can bet your life I'll be disappointed 
There is no threat of physical violence ..........where's the problem? words are words.
I seriously can't believe you said that. He targets women and keeps chipping away at them insulting them to their faces and to other HM's until he gets them upset and ultimately, out of the show. Physical violence is NOT the only form of intimidation.
he won't win it.... I know this, cos the housemates I like never win it! I am the kiss of death in any reality competition show type thing. My preferred model never wins BNTM or ANTM, I was convinced Chris Fountain would win Dancing on Ice... but he didn't (robbed he was!!), the brilliance of Pantsman cereal was overlooked in the Apprentice.... so fear not... I would quite like JJ to win... and therefore he won't

Dont be too hard on youself. JJ could win, its out of our hands ( the forum fans).
I seriously can't believe you said that. He targets women and keeps chipping away at them insulting them to their faces and to other HM's until he gets them upset and ultimately, out of the show. Physical violence is NOT the only form of intimidation.
Absoloutely not but ...........................................why do they feel they can'y retaliate? It's not as if he's mega intelligent and can win in a war of words. It's just words ................FGS if they feel hard done by ..........tell him. Why can't you believe I said that. Has he been physically violent? Having had three kids .......two sons and a daughter .........I've seen mega rows. There is no reason why a girl can't stand up for herself on the 'word' front. Charley was the instigator of many rows in the BB house really isn't a man/woman thing's just words.
Soozy Woo
If the 2012 Olympics introduce a new sport called..."Arguing over shite and acting like a Dickead," then yes I could see JJ getting a gold medal...As for BB, at the moment I can't see him winning....But ya never know!
Never thought Sunshine would be evicted and couldnt get over Nathan getting 89% of the vote. Like i said, we, the forum fans dont seem to get a look in these days.
Verbally abused (if that's how you see it - yes) has he been physical .........why isn't it possible for a woman to stand up 'verbally' to a man. I'm not getting the reasoning behind all this TBH ...........he's nowhere near as bad as Charley BB* .............he's never been physically threatening ............where's the problem? I have two sons and one daughter .......believe me she whips the arses off them with her tongue when she needs to. There is no threat of physical violence ..........where's the problem? words are words.
We're all different,folk handle things differently what one of us can quite easily deal with can leave another person quivering....If the females had instigated the rows I would be the first to say six of one half dozen of the other but this wasn't the case....He is calculating and for days he goes on and on before he strikes,each week a different victim,Rachael,Sunshine,Ben and Corin...He tried his luck with Josie and fair play to her she was able to handle him,he cried in the closet but he's at it again tonight .... Charley as much as I loathed how she behaved was more impulsive,he's anything but he is premeditated,words may just be words but the manner in which they are delivered can be very damaging.
why do they feel they can'y retaliate? It's not as if he's mega intelligent and can win in a war of words.
He doesn't do 'war of words' and when they retaliate he simply doesn't listen. It's like they never said a word he just says the same things over and over and over till they lose the bloody will to live. He's a very nasty piece of work and it IS intentional because he picks his targets carefully, anyone he percieves to be weak.

He hasn't said boo to Corin since she told him where to get off, funny that eh? But not all people can stand up for themselves like that. For some people it quite simply isn't in their nature. When he forces such situations upon people yes it IS a form of bullying.
bsoloutely not but ...........................................why do they feel they can'y retaliate? It's not as if he's mega intelligent and can win in a war of words. It's just words ................FGS if they feel hard done by ..........tell him. Why can't you believe I said that. Has he been physically violent? Having had three kids .......two sons and a daughter .........I've seen mega rows. There is no reason why a girl can't stand up for herself on the 'word' front. Charley was the instigator of many rows in the BB house really isn't a man/woman thing's just words.
As someone who has been in an abusive relationship it is NOT just words.
The emotional abuser knows how to target and what to say.
He knows how to make you feel that it is all your fault and you end up apologising all the time.
My advice to you Soozy - you may have had 3 kids,but thank the lord you have not had someone  6ft tall screaming abuse in your face. Thank the lord you have not been told that you are stupid and worthless. Thank the lord that you haven't had to pretend that everything was all right when it blatantly wasn't.
Thank the lord that you have not had someone blame you for the fact that THEY have cocked their life up.
Words are NOT just words..... maybe I am just a weak person.
He hasn't said boo to Corin since she told him where to get off, funny that eh? But not all people can stand up for themselves like that. For some people it quite simply isn't in their nature. When he forces such situations upon people yes it IS a form of bullying.
Now you see - with Sunshine I saw it as her following him around and forcing the issue - that's purely and simply why it went on and on. I guess it's where you stand.
Soozy Woo

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