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I currently help out with a little dog that belongs to a long time friend, the poor little thing doesn't know whether it's coming or going. The said friend has parkinsons disease and does his best for the dog. He had his son living with him who is an addict and as much as the dog loved the son he is terrified of him.
My friend said he is moving to Lithuania to be with his wife(who is caring for her mother) The only problem being they have a guard dog who has killed three other dogs. I would take this dog on in a heartbeat but I am currently on esa and cannot afford vet bills etc. Anyone got any ideas  
Sorry for the long post but this is killing me.

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Reference: Robersam
I'm not really used to the benefits system, and if i'm honest i'm a bit embarressed to be be on benefits. Have been made redundant twice in two years and have had a breakdown, Would be working now but my head is a bit
Awww sorry to hear that hun
The thing is, if you worked then you are entitled too benefits, if you qualify for them because you have paid money in. You should be able too find out exactly what you are entitled to at the DWP. Try it. Don't be embarrased 
Hi Robertsam, as well as the PDSA, some local vets are on the PDSA scheme and can offer very reduced prices to people on benefits. You can ring any vets to find out if they offer the reduced fees, and ask any questions about how much things cost. I feed my dogs on complete dry dog food and this works out cheaper than tinned. Many dog treatments are available to buy at places like they sell worming tablets and flea prevention drops, this is sooo much cheaper than paying for them at a vets. Good luck.
Bobsam you are a very caring person for wanting to do this for a friend. See what other help you can get as above FMs have suggested, and see if your family and friends could help. You would be a great new " mum " to this dog. I watch Animal Planet every night on Sky-- The dog rescue ones, and am nearly in tears at some of the things shown on there.

Aww, Robertsam, I'm sorry things haven't been going so well for you.

Firstly, you should absolutely not be embarrassed to claim benefit you are entitled to. You've clearly worked for a living and so you must have paid into the system which is there to help you when you need it. I've been in the same situation myself. Hopefully, things will improve for you and you'll be back working again before you know it.

Secondly, it's lovely that this dog has someone caring like you to look out for him. I've got three dogs myself and know how expensive they can be. My sister has had excellent help from the PDSA in the past for her dog, so I would agree with the suggestions that you try them first. You could also try contacting some local animal welfare charities. They may have some contact with vets who can offer a subsidised or charitable service. I'd also agree that there are ways you can cut costs, dry food is cheaper and better for the dog. Although I would steer clear of buying off the shelf worm medicine, I had a completely horrific experience with nine puppies due to that stuff.  If all else fails you could suggest to your friend that it would be in the dogs best interest to see if you can re-home him elsewhere. I know it's tough, we had a litter of surprise pups last year and finding good homes wasn't easy and emotionally traumatic. One of the owners that we found contacted us last month to see if we could re-home one of the pups as she could no longer cope with him. That was even harder but we eventually found him an excellent new home with a couple and he moved in with them two weeks ago. There are plenty of people like us out there who don't want to see an animal in distress.

I'm sure you've already found it but here's the link for PDSA just in case.

Good luck and keep us posted on what happens.

Queen of the High Teas
they sell frontline in shops now, but as it's licensed you have to sign for it at the checkout...i think only pets at home do it though (atm) NO OTHER flea treatment has worked as well and i avoid bob martin's or johnsons' like the plague!

and like everyone else has mentioned, the PDSA hun, for an animal like a dog they are really good (not so good for small animals tbh..but then they are cheaper to treat so i justput aside ÂĢ10-20 a month for vet fees for my small furries)

and dont be embarrased about being on benefits, they are there for a reason
Thanks to all of your lovely people for your help and comments. The day after I posted my friend told me he had booked his one way ticket. I found it very hard to come on here. As much as I can't afford him I am going to offer to take him on. I'm sorry I haven't replied to all your lovely comments but I am a bit upset at the moment. Sorry.
I dunno if this scheme is just local to me but I know in our area pets can be spayed* and chipped free of charge if owners are on benefits and there are vets that do massively reduced fees and/or other schemes for other pet health issues.

*Sorry if I've messed that up, I've never been around pets (apart from fish) in my life...I really know NOTHING about pets/animals at all...But anyway, I hope it works out for you and the pooch

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