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I got made redundant back in June, but I was very lucky to get a job straight away and it's well paid and with a nice company, however the other day I got a letter off my last employer asking me to come back full time again, apparently they have won a big contract with repeat orders, and I went to see him last night, and he's even chucked another 4 grand on top of what he was paying me last time I worked for him. I like both places, but I don't kow what to do, it was not my last paces fault they had to let me go, it was down to the recession and a lack of orders. I loved working at my last pllace as well either way I will still make around ÂĢ,25,000 a year with either job, and they are both nice companies.

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Thats a real tough one ! i think you have to find out how long they have that contract for , they might only have work for you for the next 6 to 12 months and they might have to let you go again! and you could be looking for work again, also find out what your prospects in the new job are in 6 months you might get a pay rise or promotion, were in your old job you might be stuck at the same pay level or position for years!

either way i know you will make the right decision

You'll be earning the same whichever you work for? I'd take into consideration travel etc, also, is the company you're working for now doing well and does it look like it will continue to do well in the future?

The old company let you go once when they were struggling, what makes them so sure they won't be struggling again once this contract is finished? How long is the contract for and have they other contracts on the go?....gosh, I'd hate to be in your position, difficult one....
The Devil In Diamante
My last company would not have had to let me go if one of their customers had not lied to them about their financial status, and left us in the lurch with about ÂĢ50,000 worth of work owing, this job I'm in now pays ÂĢ20,000 basic plus commision, I should earn around ÂĢ25,000 at the end of the year, the old job was also ÂĢ20,000 basic plus a bonus, around ÂĢ23,000 at the end, but he's now offering me ÂĢ24,000 basic plus a bonus at the end, could make me on ÂĢ27,000, travelling to each job is no difference, I really don't kow what to do, he needs an answer by the end of the week. My old boss knows I'm good at the job, so does my new boss, I would hate to have to let either down.
Aww innit nice to be wanted! A bit of a toughy,,,,,happy where you are... that's good! more important than money really! wouldn't do any harm to ask about future prospects though! Do be careful though don't make it sound as if you are blackmailing your present boss but your security may depend on your enquiry but be diplomatic!Good luck!
I think you've made the right decision too.   In my experience going back to an old employer, when they come to you waving the money and begging, ends up being a mistake.

If your old employer is as decent as you say, then they will respect your decision to stay with your current firm.... and if you turn them down diplomatically, you then leave your options open for further down the road should things not work out where you are.

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