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Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I don't mind this weather, its summer after all. Much better than the Autumn weather we've had over the last few months.


I like having my bedroom window open all night and not closing to curtains (don't worry no-one can see in ), and lying on top of my bed in just my kecks... sometimes nothing at all 


I love it. I love the summer... when its hot.

pfft...  we had our bedroom window open last night..   and at 4,30am this morning I was woken to two drunken rotters talking loudly in the middle of the road...   they continued this drunken conversation, echoing away, sounding like they were sitting in about 50 bedrooms of surrounding houses for 40 mins!


I now know all about what one rotter was gonna do to her man when she got in...  and what a, and I quote, "skank" her cousin was last night, and how the other rotter loves her (she said this repeatedly)...  


I dunno where I found the will power not to shout obscenities at them out of the window (I didn't cos I knew that as we could all hear them...   the other households would also hear me hollering like a fishwife...  but I was tempted) 


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

I don't mind this weather, its summer after all. Much better than the Autumn weather we've had over the last few months.


I like having my bedroom window open all night and not closing to curtains (don't worry no-one can see in ), and lying on top of my bed in just my kecks... sometimes nothing at all 


I love it. I love the summer... when its hot.

But think of us hay fever sufferers. We can't do that  



    Oh nice! not! 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

yeah... that's about right...   tis freezing in the winter, & roasting in the summer.


Even worse..  the bosses wife has a rose business, and part of it is selling dried rose petals..   the drying room is downstairs, underneath us...  


THEY HAVE THE HEATING ON DOWN THERE!!!!  To dry the petals (& lavender - it smells like Nana knickers down there!!)



Demand to have your place of work'll collapse with the heat if not 


(Somewhere close to the birds so you can keep an eye on them) 

the birds are just outside the barn...   including the doves..  


I moan about it..  but we are in the middle of the most breath taking countryside - I love it really (apart from when its really really hot & they put the heating on downstairs) 

Better than my view then. I look out the window next to me and I can see....a back lane and into someone's back yard 


I make the most of it when I go into tutors rooms where they can look out the window and see traffic moving along a main road 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

I like heat.


What I don't like about it is wanker neighbours walking around like Luke S.

oooh..  we have one like that!


the bloke next door!     His top comes off in April and doesn't go back on til October.


I wouldn't mind so much but he is in his 70's!    its all grey chest hair, and belted slacks pulled up high! 


Awww  If we had any kind of good weather here I'd be happy!  Then I could perv on the fella across the street who mows the grass with his shirt off.  Sadly all we're getting is rain, rain and more rain so I have to perv him with clothes on

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

But think of us hay fever sufferers. We can't do that  

Oh we can ... I've just taken a double dose of tablets

MrD swears by the nasal spray one

I like to mainline them Ditts

I do too, they are brilliant, but have to take a break when I start getting nosebleeds


I love the sunshine(I have to sit in front of one of those SAD lights in the winter), but oppressive heat renders me incapable of functioning properly. And I hate getting ready for work in the morning and being sweaty even before I've left the house!


The clouds and rain can bugger right off, I don't want any more(I know it's coming again though, *sob*)


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