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How many times have you heard the HM's talk about coming out to Davina? She's part of the magic of BB. If you did a poll of genuine BB fans and asked them what do you think of when you think of BB a huge percentage would say 'Davina'.

Love her or hate her she has hugely contributed to making that show as popular as it is. BB would be a pale parody of itself without her presenting it. That really would be 'the end' of BB.
f you did a poll of genuine BB fans and asked them what do you think of when you think of BB a huge percentage would say 'Davina'. Love her or hate her she has hugely contributed to making that show as popular as it is. BB would be a pale parody of itself without her presenting it. That really would be 'the end' of BB.
Then maybe I am not a true BB fan because for me she has ruined many a show.

Ah well... I can live with not being a true BB fan
I don't hate her but do find her very annoying sometimes, especially on BBBM, dreadful show which I only watch for the interviews of evictees. I also don't think she should give an opinion on who she likes and who she doesn't as she has fans - don't mean anyone here but from what I've observed over the years of BB - who seem to suck up to every opinion she has on hm's, as if to say if Davina likes/dislikes them they will too
Yellow Rose
Reference: All I ever noticed about Russell was his filthy mouth, extremely immature

Yes..............the ball bags jokes ran a bit thin after a while .................everyone lamented his departure. WHY? He had nothing left to offe.r IMO
I def didn't lament his departure, I was extremely happy. If and when he appears on another show I have to switch over. He's regarded, I assume, as a comedian, not in my eyes as for me the best comedians who'll be remembered for many many years, even after they've died, as has been proven, never relied on filth just genuine comedy from observation of life, people etc
Yellow Rose
Can anyone actually say that they hate Davina? If so why?
Hate is far too strong a word.
I dislike her intensely. I think she is vastly over rated. I hate the way she acts on BBBM -she looks ridiculous.
I don' like her way of presenting - pandering to the baying mobs.
I don't like the way she plays with people's emotions.
I do not think she has an original thought in her head,.
I think she is a one trick pony.
I'd say more dislike than hate..I used to like her a lot, but after her nearly inciting the mob to riot proportions to boo Makosi, way back in BB6 and showing her own personal dislike of Makosi after crawling up Maxwell's arse, the same Maxwell who thought it was a good laugh when he put his toenail clippings in Science's breakfast.... I've disliked Davina ever since.
Senora Reyes
Yellow Rose offline 7,332 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:49 PM Last Edited: All I ever noticed about Russell was his filthy mouth, extremely immature soh to rely on filth to get laughs. And surely he doesn't talk like that in real life with that silly voice, supposedly he's had many gf's, what kind of woman would want to listen to a voice like that

Vile man.
I dont mind 'her' but I think she is a terrible presenter of BB. BB could have been so different if it had a really strong interviewer that the housemates knew would have them for breakfast if they broke rules or were evicted because the majority thought they were out of order. But no, we have 'mummy davina, bumbling, funny, hold your hand and tell you we love you even though you are an arse, davina'.

not impressed.

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