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There haven't been many in there this year that have made me laugh. Took me a while to get used to Dave but now he's the one that does with his nom banter that he tries to say he doesn't mean, but he often does lol. He then pays the price and actually believes it's because BB don't like him  he just doesn't see it's his own fault for being mouthy, he's a loon lol
Yellow Rose
Yellow - good to 'see' u!!!  Dave knows exactly what he is saying and doing - he means EVERY word of it - he's hiding behind 'God' - HIS god - the numpties in there (I said numpties cos not all of them are) are believing this shit - that he's a good bloke and has love pouring out of his every pore - when in fact he's a FRAUD, why on earth would a man of God want to win Big Brother - to shaft his housemates (in his dreams), WE are sitting here watching this 'man of God' lying thru his ARSE - shafted his 'mate' Ben, cosying up to the house bully and forcing his fat stinky body on the 'blokes' of the house - all in the name of God of course.  He is the lowest of the low - I can smell his stench here in my little hidey-hole in Brum - and its nasty I can tell u
Comrade, I really don't mind Dave as he makes me laugh, he doesn't get the nom situation at all, constantly talks about it and when he's pulled up he thinks BB want's him out and doesn't like him lol. He goes on and on repetetively about so much and no hm's remind him he's said the same thing a hundred times lol. He's a bit of a buffoon many times but I like hm's who make me laugh, rare though they are these days lol
Yellow Rose

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