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He is boring, he just sits on the sofa all day with that annoying laugh of his, snidey, bitchy, has too many tattoos and his glass eye freaks me out.  Also, he has been ruining individual tasks and group tasks are limited because he can't participate.

Not all his fault, partly the fault of BB for putting him in there, but I really can't stand him. I'm not anti-PC about the thing because I don't do that but I just can't have him at all.

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I don't hate Steve, I think he a ok guy, very boring, probably thinks he's got a good chance of winning, but a waste of a potential good house mates place that could have been more entertaining, but that happens every year. Shabby walked, maybe someone else would have been more entertaining than her and stayed.  I haven't got a problem with the tasks, they accommodated Micky last year.
It's not anti-PC. When Big Brother were choosing their housemates they should have have looked at everyone's ability to do things, its neither fair on the other housemates or Steve.
You are being anti-PC (whatever that means)

You would never say this stuff about a gay HM or a HM who was from an ethnic minority but disabled people are fair game eh?

It's BB not It's A Knock Out! The tasks are a very, very small part of the thing.
You would never say this stuff about a gay HM or a HM who was from an ethnic minority but disabled people are fair game eh? It's BB not It's A Knock Out! The tasks are a very, very small part of the thing.

No they are a focal part of the house in my opinion. A gay hm or ethnic minority hm doesn't hinder them competing in tasks. Like I said before, its not just the house housemates but also steve that its unfair on.
No they are a focal part of the house in my opinion. A gay hm or ethnic minority hm doesn't hinder them competing in tasks. Like I said before, its not just the house housemates but also steve that its unfair on.
You must feel really strongly about the tasks to want to bar huge sections of the public from being HMs...

Perhaps you could give us a list of what disabilities are acceptable (palatable?) to you.
Actually if there are any mods reading this can you please delete it because it has been taken the completely wrong way and I look like I am a disability hater.
There was NO reason for you to mention his disabilities, once you do that anything else you say (even if it is totally relevant) loses its impact.

Steve. He is boring, he just sits on the sofa all day with that annoying laugh of his, snidey, bitchy, has too many tattoos. I just can't have him at all.
Your original post, with the discriminatory bits removed. ^^^^

I reckon a LOT of FMs would agree with it.

Slate Steve's personality all you like.  The task argument? Weak.
Sorry Leccy, perhaps I was out of place saying it, but it came from a conversation I had with my cousin (who is disabled) last night while watching BB. But I suppose what was said were only his view points.

Just another thing, don't you think its a bit ironic that Steve was almost certainty put into the house based on his disabilities, but if we base anything on his disabilities it is wrong...
Sorry Leccy, perhaps I was out of place saying it, but it came from a conversation I had with my cousin (who is disabled) last night while watching BB. But I suppose what was said were only his view points. Just another thing, don't you think its a bit ironic that Steve was almost certainty put into the house based on his disabilities, but if we base anything on his disabilities it is wrong...
Maybe your cousin feels that tasks are a huge part of BB then?

BB has always used HMs expertise in tasks, remember when Angel had to teach a HM Russian?  There have been many more instances, so in this case it wasn't done just to pander to Steve.

To your other point, BB left it quite late in the day to include people with disabilities, there are 11 million in the UK.  Yes, I agree there does appear to be some tokenism going on with Steve...but I put that down to the fact that after 11 series BB realised they had done to little too late.  I also think they wanted an army veteran to get the tabloids talking.

BB should have included people with disabilities from day one...all TV shows should (I accept Gladiators may not be the most appropriate )  The more telly represents real life the better.
Its not the eye its the fact its a black glass eye which he chose, he has spoke about it saying it makes him look like a pirate.
Apologies RR.....although as prosthetics cost a fortune, he would have had very limited choice about the quality of his false eye. Maybe he was making what he could out of what he was offered and putting a touch of humour into the process
Reference: RiverRock
Its not the eye its the fact its a black glass eye which he chose, he has spoke about it saying it makes him look like a pirate.
Ah, see I admire that attitude (not that I admire piracy ), like his attitude about showing his metal i.e. not having 'real' looking legs.

My daughter has burn scars all up both arms, which she has had to keep covered for two years, but I'm sure she will come across people who feel she should keep them covered up forever, when she eventually can uncover them, or feels brave enough to.
Its not the eye its the fact its a black glass eye which he chose, he has spoke about it saying it makes him look like a pirate.

I think it's important to remember exactly how Steve ended up the way he did.  He was serving his country and in a climate where the UK are honouring their soldiers it seems a bit poor to be using the injuries he sustained whilst on duty as a reason to dislike the guy, or to claim him an inadequate hm.

The guy could sit back and whinge about his bad luck, but from what I've seen of him his got off his ass and has made the absolute most of his life since, which is probably more than most of us do with all our working limbs.
Although I haven't been watching this year I do find the discussion about Steve interesting - maybe because I don't have an opinion on him  as a person whereas when Mikey was in there I really disliked him because of his personalilty.

River can I ask you if your feelings about him are coloured by the fact he served in Northern Ireland? I wouldn't blame you if they were btw just wondered

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