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Its five years today since my dad died and what has been playing on my mind ever since is the fact that because he died a week before Christmas, we had to decide whether to have the funeral before or after and we ended up having it before, which was four days after he died.  When I look back now it was too soon because I never got the chance to properly decide what music to have.  with some people it might be obvious and my sister said she wanted Neil Diamond songs as my dad was a fan and her and her husband had taken him to concerts a couple of times.  Anyway, it didn't strike me until it was too late that I really would have loved to have had Smile by Nat King Cole as my dad would always sing it to me whenever I got upset about anything - I must have been six or seven at the time. 

I regret not having had the time to reflect before the funeral and really regret not having had that song.  It might sound daft but it would have meant much more than the Neil Diamond songs so I don't feel like he had the funeral I wanted him to have.  It doesn't matter really I suppose but I've just been listening to the song and it would have been a really fitting tribute to him.

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Bolton, i am so sorry  I know these things go through your mind on days like these, but the fact you were there was the important thing, and he knew you loved him. It may sound daft but why dont you do a special thing for him, maybe a memorial night or something, and sing or play the songs he liked? Its a very emotional time, losing a loved one at this time of year, but dont beat yourself up about it x
Thanks - I'm not feeling really bad, I've just been listening to that song but its just bugging me that I didn't think of having at the funeral.  Obviously I miss my dad loads but have some brilliant memories of him - most of the time I'm wondering what he would make of what's happening in the football world and what he'd think of Bolton Wanderers so he's never far from my thoughts.!
Bolton Fan
Bolton - funerals are for the living. What matters is that YOU know what songs touched his heart.

I attended my grandfather's funeral on Friday. It was snowing a blizzard and 70% of the people who wanted to come simply could not make it. It was touch and go that we (and he) got there. It was not the funeral we had envisaged - but it made no difference to him. You can choose to let it go...the funeral does not matter. Your memories do.
Bolton my dad just over 4 weeks ago,he passed away early hours of Wednesday morning and was buried on Friday,us Irish do our funerals  and wakes different but personally I would have preferred the funeral be held on the Saturday.His months mind is after 12.00pm mass tomorrow(a catholic tradition)and when the rest of my family go to his graveside they're going to get a lovely surprise,his headstone was erected on Thursday last......I haven't gone back to my parents house since my dad has died,tbh I don't know when and if I'll ever manage to go there again,atm part of me still thinks it's ok he's over there.I miss him,god knows I miss him,the pain of losing him feels all consuming tbh.Christmas is the furthest though tfrom my mind but for the sake of my grand-kids I'll have to go through the motions.

I am so very sorry to hear that your Dad died.
It is very early days yet and I am sure that if you are not up to the whole Xmas she-bang everyone will understand.
It is one of the most painful things that we experience - the death of a parent. And there is never a right time.
Our parents are supposed to live forever...
Reference: Cariad.
I attended my grandfather's funeral on Friday. It was snowing a blizzard and 70% of the people who wanted to come simply could not make it. It was touch and go that we (and he) got there.
My family and I had a similar experience in January this year during the first snow of 2010.  So many close family and friends struggled to attend.  Even the funeral people had problems with conveying the coffin from the car to the graveside.  Not very dignified to see the coffin pushed along on a trolley but ultimately we all understood.

(((Hugs))) Cariad for the loss of your Grandfather.
Smarting Buttocks
Bolton  I think it is human nature to think back and say I wish I would have done that, preparing for a funeral is very hard and we dont have much time, we are not in the frame of mind to remember all the little things we wished we had done, it would be nice to play Smile on your dads anniversary  my husbands anniversary is tomorrow I will go to his grave and talk to him I know he will be listening,big hugs to everyone who has lost a loved one ..
Hugs to everyone who has lost someone - this can be a very difficult time of the year when you are grieving. (((hugs)))

Lee - I knew your Dad was ill but hoped that no news was good news. I totally get the not going to the house thing, when you've lost someone I think we all do the 'this is the first time I've done....... since we lost them' but it does get easier after time. So sorry for your loss hun.

Bolton Fan - my Dad died 34 years ago this Boxing Day and I've never really enjoyed Christmas since, I understand how you feel about the song but try not to let it get you down. As others have said your Dad knew you loved him and in the scheme of that then which song was chosen isn't important really.
My mum died end of june 09 (about as far away from christmas as you can get) and i had 2wks planning the funeral but i felt the same way, it all just blurred past. Thats what greif does to you, it puts a haze around your head (for me anyway) a haze that makes it really hard to think straight.
As others have said, you were there and you loved him thats all that matters xx

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