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We don`t really know what she eats - but eating a raw egg is far healthier than eating pizza.

Its far healthier to be on the lean side.Most humans eat far more than they actually need, but I agree she needs more energy producing food if she`s doing all that exercise.

Genetics play a part in it as well - she`s obviously from lean wiry stock. I`m sure she knows what she`s doing if she is into fitness.

And she was right when she said it doesn`t hurt to go without food now and again. Plenty of people fast on a regular basis.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Jeggo:
We don`t really know what she eats - but eating a raw egg is far healthier than eating pizza.


I'm not so sure about that .............Pizza in moderation isn't bad for you .......we need carbs (especially if we exercise) .........the cooked tomato base is really good for you and I dare say there was protein in the cheese plus wharever veg really cannot survive on raw eggs.

Obviously it'd be bad to eat pizza all the time it would to live on raw eggs. In all honesty though .......there really isn't much goodness in a raw egg.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Jeggo:
We don`t really know what she eats - but eating a raw egg is far healthier than eating pizza.


I'm not so sure about that .............Pizza in moderation isn't bad for you .......we need carbs (especially if we exercise) .........the cooked tomato base is really good for you and I dare say there was protein in the cheese plus wharever veg really cannot survive on raw eggs.

Obviously it'd be bad to eat pizza all the time it would to live on raw eggs. In all honesty though .......there really isn't much goodness in a raw egg.

No, agreed it wouldn`t be good to just live on raw eggs - but they are quite nutritional - got protein, fat, vitamins and minerals in them.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Angel looks very malnourished. I don't know if 3 (or more) day fasting is good for you or not... I'm not an expert... but I think she needs to knock it on the head. The poor woman's rib cage is showing!!!

And would you have started a thread discussing the weight of a fat person - probably not!!

You're right! NO-ONE mentioned Bex's weight last year... Ninja
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by WILDER X:
define too thin - as long as she is healthy on the inside her weight doesn't really matter - and at the end of the day none of us no the state of her health but i am pretty sure she would be removed from the house if there was any cause for concern!!

You only got to look at her body to know she to thin.
It's nice to see woman with nice bodies like sophie, but some woman go to far and end up looking like rakes.
She looks unhealthy to me.
I like angel but I do think she needs to put some weight on.

what is too thin???

I used to be as thin as Angel and that had nothing to do with diets - i ate what i wanted when i wanted but i was just that size naturally just like some ppl say that are naturally large!!

I used to be as well and I don't have a problem with it when it is obviously a natural thing.

However, in Angel's case she is a bit older and it's unusual for a woman of that age to have the metabolism to keep her that thin. Coupled with a couple of HM's mentioning that they think she is stashing food I am genuinely concerned that she does have issues around food.

I may be wrong, and I hope I am, but I am worried about her. I do like her as a HM btw.
No, agreed it wouldn`t be good to just live on raw eggs - but they are quite nutritional - got protein, fat, vitamins and minerals in them.

The risk of salmonella is a bit worrying.
Angel was quite prepared to fast for longer than the 3 days she had aimed for.
Her eyes looked sunken and she looked unwell but still thought what she was doing was healthy.
Originally posted by Blackpudlian:
No, agreed it wouldn`t be good to just live on raw eggs - but they are quite nutritional - got protein, fat, vitamins and minerals in them.

The risk of salmonella is a bit worrying.
Angel was quite prepared to fast for longer than the 3 days she had aimed for.
Her eyes looked sunken and she looked unwell but still thought what she was doing was healthy.

IMO she was right in thinking it was healthy, but I agree that she doesn`t look very healthy. Got the feeling that she has been ill in the past, hence getting involved in the fitness malarky. She seems to have something wrong with her spine because of how she`s bent over at the shoulders.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
I think if Angel went around shouting, "I HAVE AN EATING DISORDER" half of the people on this thread wouldn't believe it.

She eats nowt + exercises obsessively = eating disorder.

Last night on LF, after everyone had gone to bed, she started exercising again, and kept pushing herself even though she was on her last legs, only able to manage a sit up or two at a time, tripping over the skipping rope every 10 seconds. Complete obsessive, not good at all. And her face looks 20 years older than it should, she's drawn with black bags under her eyes. And those shrivelled up titties...EUUUW!
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Because for some reason (not just on this forum) ppl seem to think it is ok to discuss the fact that someone is thin and underweight but they would never dream of discussing an overweight housemate - it is something that bugs me a lot and generally is just down to jealousy!!

PP there have been loads of threads in the past about overweight housemates.
Originally posted by fracas:
I think if Angel went around shouting, "I HAVE AN EATING DISORDER" half of the people on this thread wouldn't believe it.

She eats nowt + exercises obsessively = eating disorder.

Last night on LF, after everyone had gone to bed, she started exercising again, and kept pushing herself even though she was on her last legs, only able to manage a sit up or two at a time, tripping over the skipping rope every 10 seconds. Complete obsessive, not good at all. And her face looks 20 years older than it should, she's drawn with black bags under her eyes. And those shrivelled up titties...EUUUW!

Her boobs look as if she`s fed a child - we don`t know much about her past. I really think she has `issues`, especially to expose her emaciated body to the whole world - people have been known to expose body and soul to the world when they`ve gone through extreme loss and have nothing more to lose.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Angel looks very malnourished. I don't know if 3 (or more) day fasting is good for you or not... I'm not an expert... but I think she needs to knock it on the head. The poor woman's rib cage is showing!!!

And would you have started a thread discussing the weight of a fat person - probably not!!

i would have done-cos i dont care Big Grin
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally posted by Pretty_P:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Angel looks very malnourished. I don't know if 3 (or more) day fasting is good for you or not... I'm not an expert... but I think she needs to knock it on the head. The poor woman's rib cage is showing!!!

And would you have started a thread discussing the weight of a fat person - probably not!!

You're right! NO-ONE mentioned Bex's weight last year... Ninja

i did-she was a lummox Nod
I don't think Angel is in the slightest bit emaciated; she has naturally small boobs, which I think look 100 times better than giant false comedy breasts like Dogface has.

I can't see anything wrong in someone being uninhibited about their body and swimming nekkid. It always makes me chuckle when so many of the housemates have showers or baths wearing their swim wear.
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
I said this last night, as a boxer shouldn't she have a bit of meat on her bones to protect her from punches?

She is an ex-pro boxer, I don't think she currently competes, but as boxers have weight categories they usually try to get their body fat to a minimum before a match. Maybe Angels obsession with weight is a hangover from that or maybe she has always been obsessed with her weight. She hinted at this in one of the LF's so I think its likely!
Just read this thread and saw a few things I wanted to comment on.. Wink

Angel has said in the house to the others that she has starved herself regularly for the last 7 years

she has also said she is paranoid about food and weighs every last thing and has scales all over her house

she does stash foodstuffs in the house to barter for bread which she prefers to eat...

She actually stated that she starves herself on purpose as it makes her look better and her brain better.. Eeker Confused

IMO she is slight and small boned, which is fine... But, she has sunken eyes and very dark circles under them. . her ribcage is bowed at the back and she walks all hunched over as if she has major bone problems.. her pallor is extremely grey too..

she is definitely not a healthy looking person.. she may have muscles and stamina to keep training but it's what's going on inside of her that counts and hollow sunken eyes, grey pallor and bowed back are all signs of something not quite right.. she must have a problem with her image because she cannot see that purposely starving herself IS NOT making her look healthy at all Nod
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by kimota:
I just replayed last nights feed where Angel said she is in training to swim the channel when BB is finished! That may explain the manic training regime!

Well, she's got no chance if she doesn't eat. She's gonna get about 4 metres from the Dover coast if she's on one egg and a bit of pasta water every week. Channel swimmers proper bulk up before doing the Channel.

She's having herself on.


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