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I have to agree.... at least i part Jb... Firstly cos I reckon you are right, and he will get loads of flack.. secondly, cos I think he will pick Rachel  (especially as they are at this moment trying to make him do that , for their own ends), and then we won't get rid of Dave....  lastly, cos if he is up and doesn't go it will boost his confidence....
i'd just wish he'd grow a pair and stop trying to be everything to everyone and win the feckin task and shove mario  up and be done with it.
It's so strange, a lot of my upper-class friends come from military backgrounds, but they just can't deal with personal conflict. Ben seems so awkward whenever he's confronted (and thinks he can use his book learnt intelligence to get himself out of trouble).
I remember one of my vairy vairy posh titled friends being horrified when we were caught up in a slanging match with our neighbours in our shared house. She used to just crumple at the 'barbarity' of it all, while I was quite happy to swap insults over the fence 
It's so strange, a lot of my upper-class friends come from military backgrounds, but they just can't deal with personal conflict
I'd never made that connection before... but thinking about it, yeah, I agree.

Hubby & his mates from Sandhurst...  they are all like that.   I had always phrased it as them always choosing the path of least resistance...  but actually I think you're right!

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