It's now between JJ and Steve.

ben and dave lost, its johnjames and steve going for it now
evils up brilliant news
I would love Steve to win and put up his other nom... which I believe was Josie.... that would be one in the eye for JJ
Do you think Steve would actually put Josie up, or would he bottle it and go for Rachel, Andrew or Mario?
doubt steve would go for rachel, thats why i want him to win, because if rachel goes up, dave may well escape eviciton on friday.
or would he bottle it and go for Rachel, Andrew
I don't know.... I'm not even sure he nomm'd Josie.... but I think he did
I don't think he will put Josie up - I reckon he will put Andrew up. No idea who JJ would put up though 

doubt steve would go for rachel, thats why i want him to win, because if rachel goes up, dave may well escape eviciton on friday.
Who do you think Steve will choose, JB?
Well in that case LL I think JJ will put Andrew up, cos at one point, when they were sitting on the sofa's, it did seem like they were agreeing on who to pick....
steves noms were johnjames and josie.
steves noms were johnjames and josie.

steves noms were johnjames and josie.
darn it.... and I just went and deleted my post cos I thought I was wrong!!!!
johnjames noms were ben and andrew.
I can't see Steve having the nerve to publicly vote for Josie. My guess is Andrew or Rachel
That's what I am thinking. I think he will pick Andrew though.
johnjames noms were ben and andrew.
I'm pretty sure Andrew would be safe.
Well I hope JJ give it to Steve, and then Steve does have the nerve to nominate Josie.... the look on their faces would be priceless

I think Steve WILL go for farmer giles, he has got the excuse that she hasnt been 'tested' yet - plus no-one will call him out on it to his face anyhow - Steve will do what he likes
Yes... and he can always follow it with the standard.... *but I know you will be safe*

I think Steve WILL go for farmer giles, he has got the excuse that she hasnt been 'tested' yet - plus no-one will call him out on it to his face anyhow - Steve will do what he likes
...and I don't think Josie is quite as accommodating as Rachel.Add Reply
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