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My OH recently got an allotment. We get so much produce that we can hardly use it all ourselves so it's shared amongst the family etc.

Yesterday he came home with a dozen beetroots which I duly boiled. We have OAP bungalows backing on to us .....(we know them all well) .........he took the tupperware round today and said take what you want ...................................they were taking three or four at a time!!!!!!!!!! All gone now.

I know he was feeling all smug and self satisfied but ................he then said 'What an effin liberty'. Really funny ...................maybe you just had to be there though.

Actually I've posted this to try and reclaim some sort of normality on here anyone gonna help me out?

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Actually this whole allotment phase is really and truly doing my head in. There was only beetroots this week (thank god) the height of the season there were tatties, cabbages, carrots, peas, beans, cauliflowers name it we had it!

It's hard enough cooking Sunday lunch for nine/eleven without having a sink full of mud.

A welcome reprieve to have the pre washed stuff this week ........have to say though - it wasn't as tasty.
Soozy Woo
Awww, bless your hubby for doing that. although I have to say that the only beetroot I like comes in jars and you buy it in Marks and Spencers

we are actually so fortunate to have wonderful neighbours with the OAP's. We love them ............we are in the Fish and Chip business and every Saturday he brings them in Fish and Chips ................they look out for us and we look out for them - it's as it should be IMO.
Soozy Woo
Reference: CheekyPixie
Aww, they are sweet the OAPS.    And doesn't stuff that you have grown yourslef taste fab?    Once of our neighbours gave us some tomatoes and cucumber that they grew and they looked a bit weird, but tasted GREAT!  They hadn't been artifically grown you see. of my neighbours gives me all his tomatoes - but my kiddies have grown their own this year in those grow-bag thingys...but you're right, they have such a sweet flavour unlike the ones shop bought.
count yourself lucy he came home with the tupperware intact, old people are buggers for tupperware.
Well .................I was just gonna post some smilie ninjas but's all red exes now. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - not really funny at all.

Although your tupperware comment was ..........just told my OH and he said he was actually hanging onto it for dear life!
Soozy Woo
You see now all I can imagine is the Nan in Catherine Tate going over to the OAP's and saying take what you want and then coming back all huffy and saying "Well what a f*cking liberty" lol

Now you're getting me ...........that's exactly what he did ................i then added 'The robbing/greedy effinn Northern bastards'.
Soozy Woo

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