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Without Sam Pepper the whole thing would be unbearable to watch.

I was fed up with him within three days, he's too personal in his attacks IMO Squiggle. It's ok to put people in their place, but not to challenge people on their weight etc. I'm no Josie fan either, and his joke to the girl who lost a leg in the auditions makes me want to smack him in the gob, the little knob.
When they were doing the Miss Havisham task, JJ made it clear he wanted her out. She was chatting away, (annoying as it is), trying to pass the time and he was looking at her with utter contempt....what a gobshite he is....
Stark contrast to a few weeks back when he was so pleased she'd joined him and his gang in their nightly crusade to keep Ben awake,he's absolutely pathetic.
Don't think i can be bothered to watch now, i just know Dave will be in till the final  i don't understand what the HMs see in him, his laugh is so false
Dave said to John last night, i loved Rachel she was so sweet, then added did you hear boo's then John, John said oh yes she had boo's  the pair of them think they've got it all sewn up now
That's why I'm loving Sam. Let him be the thorn in their side and long may he continue to irk team smug.when

Although Sam's being shown as a wind up merchant, I don't think he actually disliked that much in there, Whenever I'm watching the live feed, he seems to get on really well with JJ, I know most are itching to nominate him , but that always happens with a newbie,

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