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I just want to know if I am being unreasonable here. He is a good lad, 24 years old, hard worker, split up with his long time gf last year. He has been renting a house with a mate for the past 6 months. He never comes to me for anything but occasionaly I spoil him as mums do. He wrote his car off last year and hasnt been able to replace it.. he was paid out by the insurance and put the money in an ISA... but then he was hit by a car and broke his leg.. he only got SSP so ended up having to use the savings for bills etc. He has asked me to lend him money to buy a car and he will pay me back ÂĢ50 a week, but TBH I just havent got it.

I have quite a good job and until last september could pretty much do what I wanted when I wanted... hubby got made redundant last september hes a HGV driver and is just picking up the odd weeks work so things are tighter than they have been.. but TBH by no means skint.

I am a sales manager and next month get a commission of about ÂĢ3k which will take the pressure off a lot

We have just come back from a late deal weeks holiday in Turkey which was crap Frowner and I just posted on FB that I had seen a cruise to the Bahamas in November and was gonna try to persuade hubby to book it.

Son obviously saw it and has sent me a text saying he cant believe I am thinking of going away AGAIN when I know he wants a car. He said I only ever think of myself and he never asks for anything from me and I should think about helping him before thinking of another holiday.

I am so shocked .. its true, he doesnt ask for anything but he's 24 years old earns a good wage but says he cannot stay in on the weekend to save because he lives for the weekend.

I just dont know what to do. Is he right.. should I give him the money... he has never ever been like this before and I think thats why I,m so upset.

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Originally posted by MoFo:
Cheeky ****er..he is a grown man. At that age he could be married with a mortgage and children of his own to provide for. Shame about the broken leg like but ffs that doesnt mean he can sit on his arse with his hand out. He needs a good hard dose of GROW THE **** UP!

That has made me laugh Smiler

I actually said to him.. ffs at your age I was a divorced mother of 2 babies... dont you dare try to make me guilty for now enjoying my life... but when I put the phone down I was in shock!!
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
That's so hard Kazzy .............we all love our kids and do what we can when we can. It's not your fault though that he has problems.

We bring our kids up and go without for a long time ........there comes a time when we have to let go and say no.

If you had an abundance of money fair enough but've worked hard for your bonus - it's up to you how you spend it.

Kids Shake Head They break your heart sometimes but - you sometimes have to be cruel to be kind IMO.

Oh soozy I just feel like I SHOULD help. but tbh I,m feeling a little bit "how dare you" at the moment. I'm not answering any more texts until I calm down

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