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Originally posted by fracas:
Now I see there is some other registration process to go through but I don't know where to go to get started with that. Help!

You don't need to re-register, if you're on here, you're registered on there automatically. Just use the login page. When you log in, the page might come up again, with a space for your passsword, ignore that, you should be all verified. The link at the bottom takes you to the home page.

Then click on here to find the forum.

OK, so how come the moderators tell me I HAVE to re-register on there? Confused Why am I getting told so many conflicting things? Confused

I'm constantly going round in circles here. Mad
This happened to be a few times and I found that I had to go and clear cookies/temporary files and try logging in again ....

Lori told me in a PM today that I have to clear my cache. Steve told me this moring to clear my cookies. As I can't find either my cache OR my cookies and I would be lost without my history to find websites I have visited recently I think I'm a lost cause. Big Grin

Never, in my history of using the internet have I had such trouble in registering on a forum.
Originally posted by *BB*:
This happened to be a few times and I found that I had to go and clear cookies/temporary files and try logging in again ....

Lori told me in a PM today that I have to clear my cache. Steve told me this moring to clear my cookies. As I can't find either my cache OR my cookies and I would be lost without my history to find websites I have visited recently I think I'm a lost cause. Big Grin

Never, in my history of using the internet have I had such trouble in registering on a forum.

It may be the cause of the problems you are encountering though BB ....
Originally posted by fracas:
Lori told me in a PM today that I have to clear my cache. Steve told me this moring to clear my cookies.

In the black toolbar at the top of the threads, go into GO, then PERSONAL ZONE tthen PROFILE. On the list on the left hand side there is an option COOKIES, click on that and you will find the DELETE option.

I think.

I'm not doing it. I'm not messing around with my settings on what happens to be a fairly new laptop which is giving no problems elsewhere on the internet. Shake Head
think she meant her browser/internet cookies and cache fracas Ninja

that is instructions for the LiveCloud place you gave which BB can't get into Wink

If ti is the only thing that may work BB can you not just make a quick written note of your Browsing history then try it to see if it helps?

it won;t mess with your settings but will get rid of the cookie that LveCloud will ahve placed in your internet folders that may be causing the problem... next time you try a new cookie will take it's place but it can;t while one is already there..

or you could manually delete the LiveCloud cookie by looking thru your cookie folder via the search facilty

Good Luck Thumbs Up

Edit: oops no I see what you meant Fracas. .you mean the toolbar here at the top of the thread page.. that's even better no history will be lost Big Grin
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by fracas:
think she meant her browser/internet cookies and cache fracas

I'm really a bit thick at this, is this the thing in Tools where you delete all your browsing history and stuff?

I really am a big useless virgin at most stuff* Big Grin

Yes it is fracas .... Thumbs Up

And tbh it does sound like this may be what's preventing BB from logging on ....
I edited after re reading your psot again Fracas.. .Laugh

Yes the toolbar here just removes the cookies for here which may help. .if not then the Internet folder will have to be cleared on her puter and that means the history will be lost. .unless she manually deletes the cookeis for here on her puter.. which wont; affect anything except means a fresh login here and a new cookie Wink

am off for me dinner. ..good luck Big Grin
Mount Olympus *Olly*
If it is the browser history that needs clearing... and you do rely on the history to see where you've been...

I had to do this a while ago, on hubby's laptop. I found the easiest way to do it (for me), was I opened a folder in the bookmark list, then clicked on all my history sites, one by one, bookmarking them into the folder (which I gave the title old browsing history).

It just saved me writing them all down.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
If it is the browser history that needs clearing... and you do rely on the history to see where you've been...

I had to do this a while ago, on hubby's laptop. I found the easiest way to do it (for me), was I opened a folder in the bookmark list, then clicked on all my history sites, one by one, bookmarking them into the folder (which I gave the title old browsing history).

It just saved me writing them all down.

Good idea ditty ... Thumbs Up

BB ... you should try this .... Nod
I think I prefer to try that. How do I find this cookie folder please?

Go into TOOLS onyour browser toolbar, click DELETE BROWSING HISTORY and it will give you a tick list of things, just choose the cookies bit and OK.

REMEMBER to bookmark your favourites first though! Use the FAVOURITES option, click your chosen link and ADD TO FAVOURITES. That way you create a list and it saves messing about looking for places.
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
If it is the browser history that needs clearing... and you do rely on the history to see where you've been...

I had to do this a while ago, on hubby's laptop. I found the easiest way to do it (for me), was I opened a folder in the bookmark list, then clicked on all my history sites, one by one, bookmarking them into the folder (which I gave the title old browsing history).

It just saved me writing them all down.

Good idea ditty ... Thumbs Up

BB ... you should try this .... Nod

What on earth is a bookmark? Stop confusing me even more! Big Grin
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
If it is the browser history that needs clearing... and you do rely on the history to see where you've been...

I had to do this a while ago, on hubby's laptop. I found the easiest way to do it (for me), was I opened a folder in the bookmark list, then clicked on all my history sites, one by one, bookmarking them into the folder (which I gave the title old browsing history).

It just saved me writing them all down.

Good idea ditty ... Thumbs Up

BB ... you should try this .... Nod

What on earth is a bookmark? Stop confusing me even more! Big Grin

Follow fracas' advice up there BB ^^^ Big Grin
Originally posted by fracas:
I think I prefer to try that. How do I find this cookie folder please?

Go into TOOLS onyour browser toolbar, click DELETE BROWSING HISTORY and it will give you a tick list of things, just choose the cookies bit and OK.

REMEMBER to bookmark your favourites first though! Use the FAVOURITES option, click your chosen link and ADD TO FAVOURITES. That way you create a list and it saves messing about looking for places.

Hmmm! I only save to favourites websites that I use a lot, otherwise I would have a favs list a hundred miles long. Big Grin At the minute I'm house-hunting so instead of saving each and every web page into my favs I tend to find them in my history so I can share them with my husband when he is sat down with me. Oh I'm seriously getting muddled up now. Confused

The thing is, I really need to do things the exact same way all the time because of my very bad short term memory loss because if I'm doing something in a different way I will not be able to remember where to find things of even how to do it. I rely heavily on doing things automatically, doing things the way I have done them for ages thus not relying on memory so much.

I am now beginning to think that I am not up to doing anything new. I have to ask myself is this really worth the bother just to use a forum? It's putting one heck of a lot of pressure on me, pressure I am finding hard to deal with currently. Registering on a forum should not be as difficult and as complicated as this is. Yet some of you don't even have to register to use the cloudy place. So bloody unfair! Laugh
Originally posted by vodka jellyfish:
This Livecloud thing is more trouble than it's worth Roll Eyes
I waited 5 days for the verification email, eventually asked for it to be resent, got it, but now it's asking me to complete my Livecloud profile but won't let me enter my password Roll Eyes

I have now come to the conclusion that it is definitely NOT worth all this trouble. If the owners of the cloudy place wanted us to be there why have they made it so difficult for us to get there? Confused

No, it's not right.
BB.... hubby was the same - he didn't want to clutter his favourites list ('and have it looking like mine' were his exact words).

That is why I created a folder in there.... it was for temporary use only.... cos I had to clear his history, cache & cookies.

Once he'd been back on his pooter for a few weeks, merrily using it, building up his history again... he was then able to just delete the whole folder.... and his favourites list was back to its usual organised tidiness.

Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
BB.... hubby was the same - he didn't want to clutter his favourites list ('and have it looking like mine' were his exact words).

That is why I created a folder in there.... it was for temporary use only.... cos I had to clear his history, cache & cookies.

Once he'd been back on his pooter for a few weeks, merrily using it, building up his history again... he was then able to just delete the whole folder.... and his favourites list was back to its usual organised tidiness.


I understand what you are saying Ditty, but seriously, it's just not worth all this hassle just to register on a bloody forum. Shake Head Life is difficult enough without adding to the stress. I prefer to use the internet to relieve stress, not to create yet more stress.
Originally posted by TiGi:
I think a few people feel the same way VJ and BB.

A lot seem to have problems even joining and a fair few who have joined either don't like the format, or can't get to grips with the site.

I think a fair few members won't make it over there. Frowner

It's certainly looking that way Tigi. Once again we are being scattered to the winds. The thing thats getting to me is why? We have this perfectly good forum already in place, and this is a case of throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
BB.... hubby was the same - he didn't want to clutter his favourites list ('and have it looking like mine' were his exact words).

That is why I created a folder in there.... it was for temporary use only.... cos I had to clear his history, cache & cookies.

Once he'd been back on his pooter for a few weeks, merrily using it, building up his history again... he was then able to just delete the whole folder.... and his favourites list was back to its usual organised tidiness.


I understand what you are saying Ditty, but seriously, it's just not worth all this hassle just to register on a bloody forum. Shake Head Life is difficult enough without adding to the stress. I prefer to use the internet to relieve stress, not to create yet more stress.

Ok BB xxx
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by fracas:
I think I prefer to try that. How do I find this cookie folder please?

Go into TOOLS onyour browser toolbar, click DELETE BROWSING HISTORY and it will give you a tick list of things, just choose the cookies bit and OK.

REMEMBER to bookmark your favourites first though! Use the FAVOURITES option, click your chosen link and ADD TO FAVOURITES. That way you create a list and it saves messing about looking for places.

Hmmm! I only save to favourites websites that I use a lot, otherwise I would have a favs list a hundred miles long. Big Grin At the minute I'm house-hunting so instead of saving each and every web page into my favs I tend to find them in my history so I can share them with my husband when he is sat down with me. Oh I'm seriously getting muddled up now. Confused

The thing is, I really need to do things the exact same way all the time because of my very bad short term memory loss because if I'm doing something in a different way I will not be able to remember where to find things of even how to do it. I rely heavily on doing things automatically, doing things the way I have done them for ages thus not relying on memory so much.

I am now beginning to think that I am not up to doing anything new. I have to ask myself is this really worth the bother just to use a forum? It's putting one heck of a lot of pressure on me, pressure I am finding hard to deal with currently. Registering on a forum should not be as difficult and as complicated as this is. Yet some of you don't even have to register to use the cloudy place. So bloody unfair! Laugh

I don't understand why some people are having such difficulties and surely it would be nice if the mods could have a help place where they guided those who are having problems.

I know they have been very good to us and helpful but there are people who need help and have been faced with a maze and others just go straight through.
I don't understand why some people are having such difficulties and surely it would be nice if the mods could have a help place where they guided those who are having problems.

I know they have been very good to us and helpful but there are people who need help and have been faced with a maze and others just go straight through.

I have to say this, Lori has been extremely helpful to me via PMs but I'm still not getting anywhere. As soon as one problem is overcome another problem takes it's place.

I end up thinking it's either me or my laptop but it can't be that! I don't have anything like this happening to me on other websites. Confused The whole thing is beyond me now. I give up!
Originally posted by *BB*:
I don't understand why some people are having such difficulties and surely it would be nice if the mods could have a help place where they guided those who are having problems.

I know they have been very good to us and helpful but there are people who need help and have been faced with a maze and others just go straight through.

I have to say this, Lori has been extremely helpful to me via PMs but I'm still not getting anywhere. As soon as one problem is overcome another problem takes it's place.

I end up thinking it's either me or my laptop but it can't be that! I don't have anything like this happening to me on other websites. Confused The whole thing is beyond me now. I give up!

You see BB what I don't understand is this. You are registered on here. It is run by the same people (so they tell us). So why can't they just REGISTER YOU over there without any of the hassle? I'm probably looking at it from completely the wrong angle but if you are OK to post here why can't they just make it possible for you to post over there. I mean, you shouldn't even be having to re-register should you?
Originally posted by *BB*:
I don't understand why some people are having such difficulties and surely it would be nice if the mods could have a help place where they guided those who are having problems.

I know they have been very good to us and helpful but there are people who need help and have been faced with a maze and others just go straight through.

I have to say this, Lori has been extremely helpful to me via PMs but I'm still not getting anywhere. As soon as one problem is overcome another problem takes it's place.

I end up thinking it's either me or my laptop but it can't be that! I don't have anything like this happening to me on other websites. Confused The whole thing is beyond me now. I give up!

BB .... I don't want to sound like a broken record, but if you followed the advice above re clearing your cache and also bookmarking your favourite sites, then I really think it might solve the problem for you ...

I'll shut up now though ... Ninja
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by *BB*:
I don't understand why some people are having such difficulties and surely it would be nice if the mods could have a help place where they guided those who are having problems.

I know they have been very good to us and helpful but there are people who need help and have been faced with a maze and others just go straight through.

I have to say this, Lori has been extremely helpful to me via PMs but I'm still not getting anywhere. As soon as one problem is overcome another problem takes it's place.

I end up thinking it's either me or my laptop but it can't be that! I don't have anything like this happening to me on other websites. Confused The whole thing is beyond me now. I give up!

You see BB what I don't understand is this. You are registered on here. It is run by the same people (so they tell us). So why can't they just REGISTER YOU over there without any of the hassle? I'm probably looking at it from completely the wrong angle but if you are OK to post here why can't they just make it possible for you to post over there. I mean, you shouldn't even be having to re-register should you?

Thats what I thought Squiggle. All I know is that if anyone had all this problem registering on my forum then I would just do it for them or change my forum to something far more user-friendly.

OK, so some would say why don't I just use my own forum instead of this, but quite a few of us have our own places but we all love a forum that has many members and has people logged on 24 hours a day. We just don't get this kind of activity on our small forums.
Originally posted by *BB*:

OK, so some would say why don't I just use my own forum instead of this, but quite a few of us have our own places but we all love a forum that has many members and has people logged on 24 hours a day. We just don't get this kind of activity on our small forums.

I know what you mean BB, this isn't just a forum its a community. That is why I have been trying so hard to make sure that we ALL get over there. Some people like you have had to go over assault courses, for me it was easy peasy and some will tend to just drop away. We have had one major change, I think its too much for some, and that makes me sad.
Originally posted by vodka jellyfish:
This Livecloud thing is more trouble than it's worth Roll Eyes
I waited 5 days for the verification email, eventually asked for it to be resent, got it, but now it's asking me to complete my Livecloud profile but won't let me enter my password Roll Eyes

Veej, you ARE registered there if you are on here.

I had the same problem, the password box kept coming up empty again. You ARE actually logged in then, it just looks like you're not. If you click on the link at the bottom of the login page it will take you to the Livecloud homepage, and it should say you're logged in (top right hand side, like here)

This is the forum feedback link where you will find lots of helpful information

Bookmark this

Please don't give up Veej, I want to see you over there and catch up Hug
Originally posted by *BB*:
While being offline having dinner and watching a bit of telly, I decided that I am no longer going to bother trying to register for the live (black) cloud place. As I have said before I will wait until moving day and see what happens. I will either be in or not. So be it.

Guess what? Black cloud lifted. Stress gone! Success! Thumbs Up
At least you can still talk to us in the meantime. Smiler Hug
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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