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Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Clipboard:
I understand exactly how you feel, it happens to me all the time but like you I never say anything. It's bloody well not right though and it's downright bad manners Mad

It makes me not so generous to them the next time then I always end up feeling guilty.

That's it exactly clipboard. I feel like I'm being a right mean cow by thinking 'well I won't bother next time' but then I'm not a gay man living a flamboyant lifestyle in Australia so I guess I'm just boring old Aunty Skive who never forgets their birthdays or other celebrations (unlike Uncle).

You did my reading lately Skive and you said "I had learned to trust my own judgment" which so true. I take a back seat with my sibs now and they don't like it 'cos they are so used to me being the doer of the family while they were takers. You should take that stance too even though it goes against the grain there comes a time for everyone..... Hug
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
You ARE cool! You're probably 100 times cooler than the Aussie relly! They will thank you ... eventually, and you'll feel bad for feeling bad! Nod Hug

Thanks tiddly. Hug To be honest he's waaaaaaay cooler than me lol! His husband is one of the top drag Laughacts in Sydney, I so can't compete with that. Laugh

Tel me where he performs, and I'll send my daughter in to shout "uncool uncool uncool, oh and by the way Skive says hi" (she would an' all! Thumbs Up

Laugh Laugh Now that would be funny tiddly! Does your daughter live in Sydney then?

Aye! She's pure mad mental, so she is! Nod Don't know where she gets it from! Crazy
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Nowthen young Skive. We all watch Neighbours, and the idea that someone from the antipodes could be cooler than you is plain silly. Hug

Being called 'young' has made my day Joe! Big Grin

Right Mr skive is home so I have to 'share' the comp but at least I get to whinge at him now instead of you lot.

Thanks everyone for giving me the space to offload, I appreciate the hell out of everyone one of you. Hug Valentine
Originally posted by skive:
I need to vent. Frowner

I sent my niece and nephew congratulations cards for their GCSE results with money in. It was only ÂĢ5 each but I'm not rolling in dosh.

Apparently my brother, who lives in Australia, also sent them cards and money (probably a lot more than me as he's a flash git) and they both posted thankyous to him on Facebook.

I thought mine had not arrived so I texted my sister who said yes they arrived last week. Now I'm pissed off because they haven't bothered to thank me so Aunty Skive is obviously not as cool as Uncle Australia.

I also feel pissed off because I feel like I shouldn't be pissed off because I gave the money without wanting any thanks and I don't want to whine about it to my mum and sister because then I really would be deeply uncool.

I just wish they'd said thanks to both or none cos now I feel like they don't like me as much as they like him.

How pathetic am I? Frowner

Sorry for whinging. Frowner

But you sent what you could afford. That in my eyes is Cool Smiler
No. Sorry to say it Skive, but they're not cool. Shake Head You did a nice thing. Smiler I know they're in their teens and all but where's the decency (I sound old as I'm trying to write this lol).

For them to thank your bro because he probably sent them more and ignored you goes to show that they are the type who will come running if you happen to win the lottery tomorrow. Roll Eyes Big Grin

Ignore it and don't expect if it hasn't happened. And give them a crappy christmas pressie this year. Wink Big Grin

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