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Reference:  Veggieburger
I didn't tell them when or where i was going, merely went, and when I returned I found they'd never missed me.
Oh god... that brought back memories of when I ran away from home when I was 12....    I nicked some frozen hot dog buns from the freezer and went and sat in the fields for a long long time (about 2 hours).... 

.... when I returned I was full of remorse for any worry I may have caused my parents.... only to find they had all gone off on a family trip down the DIY shop....  and had left the door unlocked cos they had thought I was in my room!

And I'd been nibbling round the bread rolls... as it defrosted.
madamski 2423 Forum Posts Today at 22:22 omg  i remember i was about 8 or 9  i announced i was running away  ... my mum packed my bag gave me bus fare and took me to the bus stop lol  i started bawling my eyes out as soon as she walked away , that sure cured my tantrums ...........  well in a way
that's made me feel bad, ok mum won the battle,  but if my mum had done that to me i'd still feel  shit about it now.
Reference:  Veggie
I have to say some flounces are more about getting even, I remember Storm giving it good and proper to the mods and a few fms - but mainly the mods!
I think if it was THAT absolute that I would never return... and if I felt proper proper hard done by... then perhaps... maybe I would...  if I did do it... it would have to be point in half measures.

But I would hit submit comment.... and then quickly exit the page... and never have the bottle to look at the responses.....  

I would actually not hang around, and not return... I would be cringing too much!    And too much of a coward! 

Oh... and there is also the last-word-itis risk as well!    Its hard enough logging off to go to bed some nights.
i dont mean it in a bad way though
Aye... sometimes its the only way to deal with kids strops.... my son has only once thrown the "I am off to live with my dad" line at me....

Cos I just said... "fine, I will have you every other weekend then... shall I phone him for you now"

There was a quick turnaround from the boy... and he has never used empty threats with me again (wonder when he will realise I empty threated him back)
Reference: i dont mean it in a bad way though .. my mum died 10yrs ago but i believe she taught me a valuable lesson my 2 are a credit to me i'm sure your mum was lovely and i'm sorry she's passed away, but your post just made me feel bad for you.

Reference          aww no i'm crying now , thanx for the hugs    
jacksonb 3659 Forum PostsToday at 23:37 (Edited: ) Reference: i dont mean it in a bad way though .. my mum died 10yrs ago but i believe she taught me a valuable lesson my 2 are a credit to me i'm sure your mum was lovely and i'm sorry she's passed away, but your post just made me feel bad for you. here have a hug..
jacksonb offline 3661 Forum Posts Today at 10:45 PM (Edited: ) but will anyone be able to read it if the candles go out, and we are all dyslexic,
you wont need to read it because it will be so good it will be said every day in the sit for all time. like morning prayers or some such thing. It will be ingrained in your very being 
Maybe sometimes people can't hack it but don't want to leave their online friends and associates worrying where they are?  I mean, we've all seen threads wondering where a missing FM has got to (and that's a good thing, imo). 
Likewise, I used to enjoy the HL thread when BB was on - I didn't 'know' everyone but enjoyed their company and would notice if they weren't around for a few days.

You don't have to be close to appreciate someone and their contributions to a forum community.

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