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Shoudl i be????
I spent the day with a good friend in York chatting, chilling and drinking. Get back to Selby and said friend dissapears with another of her friends leaving me alone by myself. I was waiting for my wages at the pub i used to work in so i knew the bar staff but she just left without me without even saying goodbye. Am i being silly or do i have the right to be annoyed? I just dont think its very considerate and id never dream of just leaving her on her own!

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Before you panic about my safety renton i live 2 mins from the town centre and i used to walk myself home at the end of a shift at the pub usually between 4am and 4:30am all the drunken idiots have usually already made there way home by then so i doubt i was ever in much danger with the exception of when some guy follwed me home shouting at the birds along the way (scary stuff) and the night the girl was attacked with a baseball bat outside my flat but i was already in by that time.
Cant you tell? lol Seriously i may give it a bad impression but thats probably down to being a barmaid for far too long. You get to see people at there best but you also see people at there worst. When something kicks off ill either be there watching or ill hear about it. Suppose it doesn't help living round the corner from town centre. When the drunks are heading home they pass by mine so theres always something going on outside from people peeing in my doorway (and the person who decided to leave a nice big jobbie outside my door) or the many many fights iv witnessed. Other than all that its a very up and coming area according to the council tax rates

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