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Originally Posted by pirate1111:

its an odd film

have you seen number one?

cos number2 is out soon


Not in the UK, it's not...

The BBFC have refused it a certificate, meaning that it cannot (legally) be released in the UK.

The makers never planned a UK cinema release anyway, but this prevents a DVD release too.


Apparently there are some serious questionmarks over whether it will be released in the US either. The first film got an "R" rating in the States, but I'd be amazed if the MPAA give it anything less than a "NC-17". That's roughly equivalent to the UK's "18" certificate, but is considered commercial death in the States and NC-17 films are normally edited down to get an "R" certificate. However,the BBFC didn't think editing was possible: "given that the unacceptable content runs throughout the work, cuts are not a viable option in this case”...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Cupcake:

.  Really wanna see it now. 

You might want to read the description of some scenes given in the BBFC's adjudication first (see my previous post for a link). I rather doubt I'd be allowed to post the description here...)

Each to their own, but let's just say that whatever happens regarding certification, I think I'll pass on this one...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by sparkles:

I didnt know the second one had been banned until the other day.  I'm going to google it now and find out what it's about.

The film has been banned in this country because the BBFC think it is likely that anyone distributing or showing this film would be breaking the law. The BBFC goes into more detail on their site but I'm not going into details here. I never saw the first film and have no wish to, but the second film goes well beyond the first film.


I don't know that the film would be submitted to the MPAA in the States. Although the first film got an R cert, the director's cut was unrated. Unlike the UK, films do not have to be certified to be able to be shown there.

El Loro

The gist of the BBFC's concerns are that while the first one tells a fictional account in a horror movie style and the grossness is implied the second one features someone's sexual gratification to the first film and them going about creating their own human centipede.  The second one doesn't imply but shows scenes implied in the first film. 


Saw the first one, and loved it I understand why the thought of it disturbs so many but in actual fact there was nothing to 'see' it was all in the mind.  It struck me as a modern day old fashioned horror, where its the suspense that gets to you.  I really liked it for that reason.  I only got it out of blockbusters to see how horrific and rubbish it was, and was shocked to find myself enjoying it

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Miss S:

Saw the first one - the acting was ham, but the idea of that actually happening made me feel sick.


Couldn't watch the second I dont think.



when you wake up in the night and you cant catch your breath make sure youre not connected to an anus and are part of human centipede 3 MWUHAHAAAA

Good god

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Antiope:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

oh no, a thread about that film 


I do feel fairly inadequate that I've not till now managed to view the movie.  Though by the sounds of it the concept is rather more accomplished than the finished artefact. 

eh?wot u mean is idea is good

film aint so good

posh u is



I didn't say good, I said accomplished. 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Antiope:

Censorship's a load of bollocks.

Depends if you'd feel comfortable with peado and bestiality titles at your local Blockbusters?


I did invite that.


Censorship outwith clearly criminal acts produced actively for the bollocks (is the expanded version of my original sentence).



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