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A lot of people bought Agadoo and the Grandpa Christmas song does that justify the clowns who erroneously forced such pap on the world or does it simply say that most of the record buying public are actually quite stupid 

A lot of people bought it cos a lot of people liked it at the time. We really don't need to over analyse it is as it is. If you don't buy into popular culture and like to maintain a superior attitude good for you. I was probably eight or nine when Clive Dunns grandad was released and bought it for my grand dad brings a lump to my throat to hear it now as it brings back memories. Personally - I wouldn't call that over rated....................there again I'm not hugely into music - I like what I like when I like - I don't look down on people for liking what they like.

I fully accept that my choice and opinion isn't everyone else's ................................. it'd be boring if we all liked the same and only a certain type of music was broadcast. I don't feel that any one persons choice is superior to anyone else's - we're all different. And that's good isn't it?
Soozy Woo
I define an "over rated" band as one where people (or their fans) are shocked if you say you don't like them.     I have CDs of bands that I can't stand... and I can't stand the CD...  but I bought them to give it a go...   cos so many people raved about them...  you think "I'll get the CD"... and then perhaps I will start to like them.   

I am convinced that some of the fans don;t really like them... but daredn't speak out and say it.   Like the Emperors New Clothes type thing...       this to me explains why the likes of Florence & the Machine get so much good press 
I fully accept that my choice and opinion isn't everyone else's ................................. it'd be boring if we all liked the same and only a certain type of music was broadcast. I don't feel that any one persons choice is superior to anyone else's - we're all different. And that's good isn't it?

You have completely missed the point of the thread. I am asking people which bands or artists have achieved great fame and success while being suspiciously devoid of talent in their opinion. Nobody's hoping to change the world here we're just having a friendly discussion. You take life way too seriously in my opinion (just clarifying there that my opinion is not fact before you did it for me).
I have CDs of bands that I can't stand... and I can't stand the CD...  but I bought them to give it a go...   cos so many people raved about them...  you think "I'll get the CD"... and then perhaps I will start to like them.
I am the other kind of music victim, the incredibly stupid type. I hear a single I really like and rush out and buy the album. 99.9 per cent of such situations have not ended well for me 
I am the other kind of music victim, the incredibly stupid type. I hear a single I really like and rush out and buy the album. 99.9 per cent of such situations have not ended well for me

oh I have my fair share of them as well.

Used to drive me mad.   Thing is though... I buy tracks I like online & download them now.   So instead of buying a CD... I cherry pick the tracks I like (or sometimes the most popular ones) and just buy those.     But I know that I will be missing out on those album tracks that were growers... the ones that in the end you like best off the whole CD
You have completely missed the point of the thread
I probably have ......................I often do I'll put my hands up to that
ou take life way too seriously in my opinion (just clarifying there that my opinion is not fact before you did it for me).
I'll never put my hands up to that one though ..............I really don't. In this case I'll say it's the pot calling the kettle. I can accept that other people have differing opinions - can you?
Soozy Woo
Agadoo and things like the birdie song etc are what most people class as crap. Go to a party though and I bet 99% of people will be up dancing to it

They are crap.  That's not to say people won't dance to those songs when they've had a skinful or just because they like to muck around or be ironic.  I think what marks them out as crap is that you'd probably never put those songs on if you were listening to them on headphones unless you were under 10.
I cherry pick the tracks I like (or sometimes the most popular ones) and just buy those.     But I know that I will be missing out on those album tracks that were growers... the ones that in the end you like best off the whole CD

That's what I hate too. I always worry I'm going to miss out on that killer album. Saints and martyrs is what we are, don't let anyone tell you otherwise 
But ya know am sick of this not being able to quote..I likes to quote! So! will give it a it free ??

It's free and it's very easy to use and it's perfect for this place. Firefox is too apparently but I haven't used it. GC works 100 per cent here go and have a look Just say 'no' when it asks if you want to make it your default browser.

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