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thought i'd share a heart warming story!

yesterday my mobile was coming up as youngest spongette's when i answered i was surprised to hear a gruff voice at the end of it!.......

'ello missus.....yer daughter's dropped her phone by tesco express an i've found it...wondered if you could meet me to pick it up?'

so of course i said i would.....but said tesco express is about a 25 minute drive from my house which i told him........and he said it was no problem and he'd wait for me....

gets down there and he's waving like a looney when he saw me looking around......young lad in a hoodie about 17-18 with about 5 hoodie mates.....he gave me the phone straight away and when i offered to give him some dosh as a reward  he refused saying it was his pleasure to return it!.......however i insisted and gave him a tenner (all i had on me!).

just thought i'd share as we hear so many bad stories about youngsters these was nice to 'hug a hoodie'!!............

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Thats a nice story.  I think its all too easy to make judgments about people by what they look like - for example if you saw my eighteen year old son walk up the street on his way to the shop as he does sometimes, you'd be forgiven for thinking (from his haircut and the clothes he wears sometimes) that he was a "hoodie" or some similar type.  You'd also be forgiven for being surprised if I told you he worked in the NHS and is also a Special Police Constable.
Bolton Fan
gets down there and he's waving like a looney when he saw me looking around......young lad in a hoodie about 17-18 with about 5 hoodie mates.....he gave me the phone straight away and when i offered to give him some dosh as a reward  he refused saying it was his pleasure to return it!.......however i insisted and gave him a tenner (all i had on me!).

Heart-warming innit  we always seem to look at the negative side of kids in groups, just goes to show the majority are just good kids.  

I wear hoodies sometimes. not with the hood up though  
ello Spongey 

Same thing happened to us a couple of years ago...   I got a call from my daughters (pay as you go) mobile... was some teenage lad saying he had just found the phone on the playing fields... & didn't know what to do ... so dialled the number saved as **muvva**  (I had to laugh at that... poor lad sounded a bit nervous.. unsure if it was a nickname for some underworld gangsta)... 

He said he had to get home... so gave us his address.   I popped round for it on my way to collect my daughter from the ex's (who had taken the kids over the playing fields in the first place)...  

The address was a squat!  But the lad was obviously listening out for us and came out when he heard the car (lucky... cos I would have had no idea how to or where to knock) and gave me the mobile phone.

I had to force him to take a tenner from me...  yet he really looked like he could use it!
The hoodie stereotyping that goes on is one of many despicable things that we can thank the Daily Mail newspaper for.

I like wearing hoodies but because of the stereotyping I wouldn't dream of going out of my house in public wearing one, so only wear them to lounge about in indoors really. It's good to hear stories like this to show people that not all hoodie wearers are going mug old ladies in the street.
Crunchy  Nuts

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