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I do Moonie and they are not supposed to, we had a policy introduced years ago and the snokers don't seem to want to adhere to it.

I calculated that one individual who takes four breaks per day actually costs the organisation approximately 2 working days every month.

Now that can't be right when we are funded by the public. Put it another way when you calculate it into days it seems unbelievable.

Now I have a friend who works for a private business and their policy is that you can have your smoking breaks but you clock out when you do therefore impacting on their time in work and how long they stay each day.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

I find the whole thing fascinating


I understand those who don't wish to have people smoking near them but its gone to crazy levels whereby hospitals feel justified in banning all smoking even in its car parks.

Surely that is a denial of rights - a person who may have a genuinely recognised addiction yet is expected not to smoke even during a possible extended hospital stay?


All this whilst a jet with two engines the size of your house passes by overhead

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie: where a non-smoker and you worked at a place where smokers where allowed out for a smoke every so often and you had to catty(carry)on working?

Not as bad as I would be if the smokers weren't allowed out.





I wonder if anyone does a head count on how many loo breaks people take?

And how long they take?

And whether anyone ever thinks to ask them to lessen their intake of fluids?


Also, what about those who are forever checking their mobiles during working hours?  Or using the computers to read forums.....  



Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie: where a non-smoker and you worked at a place where smokers where allowed out for a smoke every so often and you had to catty(carry)on working?

Not as bad as I would be if the smokers weren't allowed out.





I wonder if anyone does a head count on how many loo breaks people take?

And how long they take?

And whether anyone ever thinks to ask them to lessen their intake of fluids?


Also, what about those who are forever checking their mobiles during working hours?  Or using the computers to read forums.....  



All great points Cos 


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