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I find him quite manipulative, he encourages  bad behaviour and scuttles away and enjoys the fall out.  The HMs do not see as much as we do so they only see the jovial Dave that he shows in front of their faces and not what he say behind their backs. I grudgingly admit that he has played every single one of them in there superbly.
I think its the u tube clips
 I only judge housemates on what they're doing in the house.I couldn't give a monkeys if they've killed people outwith the house.It's all about 13 weeks of entertainment.In my humble opinion.The other finalists are dull no marks.At least Dave has been funny and watchable.Don't get me wrong.I'd rather Sunshine,Ben or Super Sam had won.But Dave is the best of a bad bunch.
I find him quite manipulative, he encourages  bad behaviour and scuttles away and enjoys the fall out.  The HMs do not see as much as we do so they only see the jovial Dave that he shows in front of their faces and not what he say behind their backs. I grudgingly admit that he has played every single one of them in there superbly.

Why have they not spotted that Menty?   In any regular group of people there's always someone that will drop a clanger and the gossip starts.  It's human nature.  
It occurred to me last night as he showed Andrew how to separate the yolk of an egg that they might see him as a Daddy/Older brother and have a fondness for him.  
They were fearful of Steve so didn't see him in the same light.
He's there because BB decided to have a vote to Evict instead of Save - or so I'm told.
Absolutely. Sam and Corin would both still be there, if that had happened.

gouryella - if you find him funny and entertaining, you can't have been watching. The 'christian' bloke has shat on his mates at every opportunity and shown himself up as someone who has no moral values whatsoever.
No matter how BB do it the public have the final say and you only have yourselves to blame.
That's not quite true. They knew a vote to evict would get all the big characters out so Josie would be nailed on to win. Even Davina was livid they didn't do a vote to save, Sam would have win. Now we have abject boredom till the final. The public vote was engineered to make Josie win. Thanks BB.
BB do not vote.  It's the GPB that do that.  
Please explain to me Prom why you think Josie is the chosen one when all they do on BBLB is slag her off and their main promo was making fun of her.  

They loved Sam Pepper and are lauding him all over the place.  If they engineered the result they got it so wrong.  
The GBP got what they voted for.
Why have they not spotted that Menty?   In any regular group of people there's always someone that will drop a clanger and the gossip starts.  It's human nature.   It occurred to me last night as he showed Andrew how to separate the yolk of an egg that they might see him as a Daddy/Older brother and have a fondness for him.   They were fearful of Steve so didn't see him in the same light.
I don't know Tayto, maybe it's the Christian thing for some people trusting a minister comes very naturally, he also does a lot of his stirring and nastiness in a very jovial manner, thus giving it the air of it all being a joke when in fact it isn't. A classic example is when he was going on about the board, it was all very jokey but what he was saying was that he agreed with what was said about who was fake, who was untrustworthy, who was devious, who was desperate to win etc, but it was done in a manner that made people feel he was joking.  He must have said he trusted the board about a 100 times. Of course it could just be that I don't like him 
Vote to evict meant Josie wins BB. We all knew it, they knew it, so was it written, so has it come to be.

Doesn't explain how she could win over the rest of them.  the same could be said of Dave.  It all depends on who you support.  
No one will ever convince me Prom.  If they were bigging her up in the spin off shows I might believe it but they're making fun of her all the time.
Doesn't explain how she could win over the rest of them.
She didn't have to win over anyone Tayto. She was already in the final. The big question was who she was up against. Vote to evict removed her competition. Vote to save would have put her up against Sam and Corin. Now she's up against four people who couldn't muster up a personality between them if their life depended on it.

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