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It was the 'hand of henry' alright cheaters! memories of maradonna
He also did an earlier dive worthy of a world class swimmer earlier in the game looking for a penalty ... Luckily the ref was actually watching the game for that incident ... Maybe he should take up swimming ... he can use his arms all he likes then ...
Sorry, but as a neutrals point of view I would rather have France qualify... the likes of Ribery, Anelka etc missing the world cup sounds awful...
 I can't really go along with that... I mean... for example, the prospect of Argentina and Portugal missing out filled me with joy...

To be honest I'd much rather see some different countries get in rather than the same old, same old...
Sorry, but as a neutrals point of view I would rather have France qualify... the likes of Ribery, Anelka etc missing the world cup sounds awful... though the way they went through was a shame
Are you for REAL  What kind of person thinks that cheating is fine!!!!!!!!!!Would you be saying the same if it was England. It was disgraceful playing and if you love football so much you would admit that. Unbelievable. Henry is a filthy cheat. End OF
Are you for REAL What kind of person thinks that cheating is fine!!!!!!!!!!Would you be saying the same if it was England. It was disgraceful playing and if you love football so much you would admit that. Unbelievable. Henry is a filthy cheat. End OF
Did you even bother to read my post? I said I would rather see France in the world-cup, I never said cheating was fine... I been there plenty of times to see my club robbed. As for England, like I said before... its just a bonus, the only reason I watch them is because we have city players in there, if England went out...on a positive its still good because we will pick up no long term injuries
Yes I certainly did and still find it unbelievable,  but hey thats just cause I'm pig sick that a cheat scuppered Irelands chances to go to SA. Your entitled to be happy they went through so you don't have to watch the Irish players but I find that heartless.
I agree ... it's difficult to wish a team well who cheated their way through ... they'll need plenty of luck ... even their own fans hate them ...

I think any argument that the World Cup would miss having a team of France's calibre in it is automatically nullified by the following:
They had to be helped by a sudden, late rule change seeding the clubs for the play-offs.
They couldn't even win that without cheating.

France are not the team they were, and if Ribery, Anelka etc are so great, they ought to have wrapped up qualification ages ago.

Ireland were robbed.

Mr Meat and Potato Pie I am disgusted by you comments. If France are such a great team how come theuy couldn't qualify 1st in their group? How come FIFA had to rig it for them to get an 'easy' draw, how come they cheated their way to to the World Cup Finals?

France cannot go to SA with any shred of dignity of credibility? Also, if France really are the better team how come Ireland outplay them over the 2 legs?
If it wasn't bad enough that FIFA and UEFA screwed us by suddenly deciding to seed these games now we have a blind referee who saw nothing along with his linesman and what the hell was the purpose of the fourth official?

Ireland have been well and truly screwed over by cheats and that happened long before last nights game   this is all about the revenue that can be generated by having the likes of France, Portugal and Germany qualify. I wouldn't be surprised if the fourth official was made to say he saw nothing wrong.  Tis a sad day for football.

Meaty I can't believe your comments

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