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Originally Posted by Baz:
We are thinking about getting the Apple TV box Ditty

Baz...  if there were anyway I could afford it, or justify it (there are so many other pressing priorities on our wish list right now) then I would! 


and in a household that is so brimming with Apple products as yours is...   its a no brainer isn't it...



it would be rude not to 



DO IT!!!  

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

i work for a mobile company that does not sell the iphone.............. therefore i mock it 

I'm on that same network. V right? 

thats the one, I`m the lady who tries to stop you leaving cause you want the bliddy iphone 

awwww..   the nice lady that gave us the code so my daughter could take her number with her to her new iPhone on her new Orange tariff 


thank you for the code...    sorry we left anyway...    



daughter hasn't really looked back though 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Very true Ditty I think it's going to be a very early Xmas pressie

when we retire we are soooooo gonna live just like you do 



when the little bleeders have left & stop bleeding us dry, we are gonna live the life that you do 



got one leaving tomorrow...   though I don't think it counts cos she hasn't taken her cat, we are not allowed to redecorate or reallocate her room & she reckons she's coming back during the holidays...   


sooooooo close & yet sooooo far away 


MrD is struggling to contain himself about the reduction in the weekly shopping bill though 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

i work for a mobile company that does not sell the iphone.............. therefore i mock it 

I'm on that same network. V right? 

thats the one, I`m the lady who tries to stop you leaving cause you want the bliddy iphone 

awwww..   the nice lady that gave us the code so my daughter could take her number with her to her new iPhone on her new Orange tariff 


thank you for the code...    sorry we left anyway...    



daughter hasn't really looked back though 


 glad she likes her iphone 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

I've had my iphone 4s since 4th September but honestly I'm not feeling the love despite wanting one for ages and ages 


The Samsung Galaxy is ahead in most polls above the 4 Pengy... I think other companies put more technology into phones and are ahead in the market, Apple sells on name and devoted fans. I had a 3 for a while and my HTC beats it hands down 

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

i work for a mobile company that does not sell the iphone.............. therefore i mock it 



I'm more of a Blackberry person ... though I do love my iPad


I wouldn't queue for either of them though!!

Blackberrys are a lovely phone..... but what do I know, I have a Nokia 

Doesn't do it for me, (had a work one for yonks now).....I luuuurve my iphone, but would I queue for the new one? Like hell I would

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Very true Ditty I think it's going to be a very early Xmas pressie

when we retire we are soooooo gonna live just like you do 



when the little bleeders have left & stop bleeding us dry, we are gonna live the life that you do 



got one leaving tomorrow...   though I don't think it counts cos she hasn't taken her cat, we are not allowed to redecorate or reallocate her room & she reckons she's coming back during the holidays...   


sooooooo close & yet sooooo far away 


MrD is struggling to contain himself about the reduction in the weekly shopping bill though 

Awwwww, good luck to ickle xxx

Originally Posted by Pengy:

I've had my iphone 4s since 4th September but honestly I'm not feeling the love despite wanting one for ages and ages 

I still don't really bother with siri...was a bit of a laugh at Christmas when it was 'new' and we asked loads of daft questions with the 'kids' and got amusing answers, (you had to be there!) for e.g. we asked on Christmas eve where Father Christmas was..Reply: sorry I don't know your father...I should think he bloody didn't, he'd been dead 5 years!

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Yeah, it's a phone that could easily be confused with the last one.  It's iDiot day again!


Mark Challiner, 42, braved the freezing rain to arrive at the store at 4am to stake his place in the queue as the doors opened at 8am.

Mark, of Stoke on Trent, who works as an accountant in Staffordshire, said: 'We've been here since around 4am and I'm very tired now.


42!  Born in 1970/71!  Old enough to know better!  Jesus, get a life for goodness sake!


Each to their own of course, but...


This has been happening to Apple product launches for a number of years now. But it's not confined to Apple.


I have seen reports on people queuing for the latest computer game, latest games console and even limited edition training shoes !!


The most bizzare one is that people actually queue to buy tickets to see Take That, yes Take That, who'd have thought it?


So putting things in perspective, it's not totally out of the ordinary and really, who are we to judge how someone spends their time and money as long as they aren't doing anyone one any harm.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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