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i might 'embellish' to get me out of trouble


however todays whopper was a good 'un


me & OH's family went 10 pin bowling

im usually not too bad

OH has got an uncle who is 67 but got mind of a 5yr old

he loves dino dan-dino dan loves bowling so we took her uncle

his first time-he was really good-i was awful

he won


ma-in-law took me to one side after the game & said 'thank you for letting him win'


i patted her arm & said 'no worries'



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Originally Posted by Ells:

lol Pirate that's what I would have done too


EC my Mum is the worst liar I've ever met.  It's written all over her face and I can hear it in her voice if she's trying to lie over the phone.  

Ells, it sounds like she is worse than me, but like Roger said, I try not to even tell white lies as life really is less complex when you tell the truth.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

I have millions though at heart i'm a very honest person.

I find it very hard to lie.


however . . .


Just passed me driving test and on the way home one dark night in the middle of nowhere thought i'd take the roundabout as fast as posssible.

Hit the kerb and burst the tyre!!

Car ground to a halt on an incline.

Jacked it up to change the tyre and struggled for 30mins as the car rocked on its axle.

Came home caked in oil.

Parents were terrifed i'd been hurt.

"What happened?"

"Well some fool left a brick in the middle of the road and i hit it"


Tra la la laaaah


Last edited by Saint
Originally Posted by Saint:

I have millions though at heart i'm a very honest person.

I find it very hard to lie.


however . . .


Just passed me driving test and on the way home one dark night in the middle of nowhere thought i'd take the roundabout as fast as posssible.

Hit the kerb and burst the tyre!!

Car ground to a halt on an incline.

Jacked it up to change the tyre and struggled for 30mins as the car rocked on its axle.

Came home caked in oil.

Parents were terrifed i'd been hurt.

"What happened?"

"Well some fool left a brick in the middle of the road and i hit it"


Tra la la laaaah


nice one! 


Y'know how sometimes a pub car park might hang a chain across its entrance when its closed.

Well . . . it does round our way.

Anyhoo . . .

I might have taken a turn too quickly and caught me brother's car on the hook they hang the chain from - ripping a hole about an inch wide from the front to the back of his car.

Then i might have parked his car tight against the wall so he couldn't see the damage when i dropped off his keys.


Only for him to tell me,

"Someone's driven passed my car and torn a hole right across it!!!"

"Bloody HGV's" i said.


Dum dee dum dum

Originally Posted by Saint:

Y'know how sometimes a pub car park might hang a chain across its entrance when its closed.

Well . . . it does round our way.

Anyhoo . . .

I might have taken a turn too quickly and caught me brother's car on the hook they hang the chain from - ripping a hole about an inch wide from the front to the back of his car.

Then i might have parked his car tight against the wall so he couldn't see the damage when i dropped off his keys.


Only for him to tell me,

"Someone's driven passed my car and torn a hole right across it!!!"

"Bloody HGV's" i said.


Dum dee dum dum

 You dodged a bullet there


I'm the world's worst liar, it's as if I have some truth serum coursing through my veins. It drives my husband nuts because I can never think up little white lies for those awkward occasions. However, I try not to hurt people's feelings, so if a friend was about to choose an outfit which made her look like a bag of rags, I'd try to steer her onto something more flattering.

Edit: I may have given hubby some edited versions of things, ie how many votes I made during BB - not lies, just not the whole truth.

See, I had to add that last bit because I felt I wasn't telling the whole truth.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm the world's worst liar, it's as if I have some truth serum coursing through my veins. It drives my husband nuts because I can never think up little white lies for those awkward occasions. However, I try not to hurt people's feelings, so if a friend was about to choose an outfit which made her look like a bag of rags, I'd try to steer her onto something more flattering.

Thankfully I haven't been put in that position too often, but on the odd occasion I go out with my sis in law I'm normally truthful there, but then again I've got no fashion sense 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm the world's worst liar, it's as if I have some truth serum coursing through my veins. It drives my husband nuts because I can never think up little white lies for those awkward occasions. However, I try not to hurt people's feelings, so if a friend was about to choose an outfit which made her look like a bag of rags, I'd try to steer her onto something more flattering.

Thankfully I haven't been put in that position too often, but on the odd occasion I go out with my sis in law I'm normally truthful there, but then again I've got no fashion sense 

I'm sure you are diplomatic, Sprout.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm the world's worst liar, it's as if I have some truth serum coursing through my veins. It drives my husband nuts because I can never think up little white lies for those awkward occasions. However, I try not to hurt people's feelings, so if a friend was about to choose an outfit which made her look like a bag of rags, I'd try to steer her onto something more flattering.

Thankfully I haven't been put in that position too often, but on the odd occasion I go out with my sis in law I'm normally truthful there, but then again I've got no fashion sense 

I'm sure you are diplomatic, Sprout.

I can be when I want to be 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm the world's worst liar, it's as if I have some truth serum coursing through my veins. It drives my husband nuts because I can never think up little white lies for those awkward occasions. However, I try not to hurt people's feelings, so if a friend was about to choose an outfit which made her look like a bag of rags, I'd try to steer her onto something more flattering.

Thankfully I haven't been put in that position too often, but on the odd occasion I go out with my sis in law I'm normally truthful there, but then again I've got no fashion sense 

I'm sure you are diplomatic, Sprout.

I can be when I want to be 

 I'm sure you are.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm the world's worst liar, it's as if I have some truth serum coursing through my veins. It drives my husband nuts because I can never think up little white lies for those awkward occasions. However, I try not to hurt people's feelings, so if a friend was about to choose an outfit which made her look like a bag of rags, I'd try to steer her onto something more flattering.

Thankfully I haven't been put in that position too often, but on the odd occasion I go out with my sis in law I'm normally truthful there, but then again I've got no fashion sense 

I'm sure you are diplomatic, Sprout.

I can be when I want to be 

 I'm sure you are.

yeah like them gold 'kylie' hotpants you told me to buy

you said 'everyone is wearing them this year'

i looked a right tit at glastonbury


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