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I was wondering if any of you can relate to this....

Article in today's Metro newspaper:

Internet use linked to depression

A "dark side" to the internet suggests a strong link between time spent surfing the web and depression, say psychologists.

British scientists found that the longer people spent online, the less likely they were to be happy.

A small group of the worst affected individuals were both depressed and addicted.

But it was not clear whether using the internet causes mental health problems, or whether people with mental health problems are drawn to the internet.

More work is needed to answer this "chicken and egg" question, say the researchers.

Study leader Dr Catriona Morrison, from the Institute of Psychological Sciences at the University of Leeds, said: "The internet now plays a huge part in modern life, but its benefits are accompanied by a darker side."

The scientists employed the internet to carry out their research.

An online questionnaire was used to assess levels of internet dependency and depression in 1,319 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 51.

In general, the longer people spent online the more depressed they tended to be, the scientists found.

"There was a high correspondence between the amount of time spent on the internet and levels of depression," said Dr Morrison. "If you look at how dependent people feel they are on the internet that is likely to correspond with how happy or sad they feel."


I try to limit my use simply cos I feel I should be (and need to be!) doing other things and this is the only place I regularly visit. It can get a little bit addictive at times!

I know it's a lifeline for some and I find it good for a bit of social interaction (I live on me own).

But maybe if it wasn't so easy to access the Internet I'd be forced to get out and about a bit more! I might even get a life!!!

Then again, I'd probably just become more of a couch potato in front of the telly.

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I am still trying to come to terms with the image of Blizzie (mentioned in another thread) as a "cuddly vulture."


Some years ago I used to say I would never have a computer. Didn't need one; didn't see the point.
Now I am at a loss when my computer has to visit computer hospital.
I have arguments with my computer. I find thet (like cars) they tend to go wrong.
I swear at it. I get very annoyed that it tells me what it is going to do, when it should be me who is telling it what to do. I should be in control and deciding things not the damn machine.
I try top be sensible with it, though. It can provide wonderful means of research. It has vast information. Terrific for communication.
But I am a cautious user. (For instance my Facebook security is so tight that hardly anyone can reach me.)
I love this forum and the people who use it and run it.
I try not to let it take over my life. I still watch TV when I choose. I love music and theatre. My computer could never ever replace a live performance.
I would never use a new-fangled machine to read a book. I like proper books with paper, print, and smells.
I am aware of temptations, pitfalls and nagative aspects of computers. But I have now been converted to see their good uses too, (one of them being this forum.)

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