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Go on, test the water, most FMs love to help where they can, so I don't think there's anything to worry about?
And you can bet if there isn't a FM who has had the same operation as you need to have, someone will know someone who has.

I think you're a true sweetie, no-one is going to be mean to you if you post a thread.

But if you really feel you can't post it here, keep googling, and use quote marks around the name of your op, there will be other forums around created by others who have had the same thing.

Thanks Hyper - much appreciated. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Thanks fabienne. I've been told I have to have my gall bladder removed as I have gallstones apparently.

At least now I know what's been causing all the pain I've been experiencing. Had an ultrasound in June which brought it to light.

Haven't seen the consultant yet to find out what options there are but I'm absolutely terrified of having surgery.

I did find a recipe, when I was googling for information, for dispersing gallstones naturally but it's such a palaver and who knows whether it would work anyway.

Sorry you've been in such pain, Hyacinth. Hug Just did a quick google, and it does sound like a fairly straightforward op. I understand it's a daunting prospect if you've never had surgery before though...
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:Cheers!

Also, I have really good friends who chose not to have kids. They're lovely people and are wonderful with my lot, now, and when they were babies.

They get flack like you wouldn't believe!

My friend always said she couldn't trust herself with children because, hand on heart, she just didn't like them enough. LOL! I loved her for that.

Her hubby now has MS. She pointed out that she was even more glad that she's not had kids because she wanted to concentrate on hubby 100%.

Fair play, I think?
Valentine I kind of know how the child free feel. Coz I never wanted kids til I was in my mid 20s, (about 27 actually, ) and I got nagged to death by people about having one. Like I said, WHY do people always have to TELL you what to do! Mad and then when I only had ONE, I got mithered to have another

I've been with hubby since for 17 years, since we were 21. We didn't want kids until now but I've put up with many really rude and hurtful remarks by people who thought we should have them. It was the one about being selfish that used to really get on my nerves. The thing is the comments were nearly always directed at me when in fact hubby was less bothered than me. Now I'm getting comments about being selfish for waiting until now to have kids. Roll Eyes I just know that once baby's here I'm going to start getting the same questions and looks that you're getting now Arwen. I don't give a flying one anymore about other people's opinions. It's my family and my business just as it's your family and your business Arwen.
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Cinds:
I am replying without reading the whole thread.

Do you really need to ask us (the forum)about your major life choices.

Have as many children as you want, whether its none, one, or six, do what we the forum members think really matter in your real life decisions.

TBF I don't think she was. It was more of a vent about other people interfering in the decisions she's already made.
Queen of the High Teas
I've never understood the 'selfish' comments re people choosing not to have kids .....really I haven't.

On the contrary I feel sorry for them. and I dont mean that in a patronising way ...............I just have got sooooooooo much out of my kids (and grand children) that I'm quite sad that not everyone experiences that.

I really dont understand the selfish jibes at all.
Soozy Woo
Sorry you've been in such pain, Hyacinth. Just did a quick google, and it does sound like a fairly straightforward op. I understand it's a daunting prospect if you've never had surgery before though...

I have had surgery before fabienne but I never got this edgy about an operation in the past. It's the anaesthetic I'm more worried about I think.

I initially told my GP last week that I absolutely refused to have surgery but then, over the weekend, the pain was quite bad so I did concede defeat and rang the surgery on Monday to tell him to go ahead and do the referral letter.

I'm such a wuss but I do have COPD you see and my breathing is a problem so not sure how I'd cope with anaesthetic.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
I've never understood the 'selfish' comments re people choosing not to have kids .....really I haven't.

On the contrary I feel sorry for them. and I dont mean that in a patronising way ...............I just have got sooooooooo much out of my kids (and grand children) that I'm quite sad that not everyone experiences that.

I really dont understand the selfish jibes at all.

Soozy I think it's because people presume that we wish to live our lives without the constraints of having children, spend our money on ourselves only etc.

And I can kind of see how people would think that...although in our case it's just that we are simply not interested in children.

I can understand how hard that must be for parents to relate to. Smiler
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
I have had surgery before fabienne but I never got this edgy about an operation in the past. It's the anaesthetic I'm more worried about I think.

I initially told my GP last week that I absolutely refused to have surgery but then, over the weekend, the pain was quite bad so I did concede defeat and rang the surgery on Monday to tell him to go ahead and do the referral letter.

I'm such a wuss but I do have COPD you see and my breathing is a problem so not sure how I'd cope with anaesthetic.

I see... I'm sure you know though that anaesthetists can deal with all sorts nowadays. I'm sure Sarum could tell you more on this subject - she's an expert. Smiler I don't think they would contemplate the op if they weren't confident of a good result.
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
I've never understood the 'selfish' comments re people choosing not to have kids .....really I haven't.

On the contrary I feel sorry for them. and I dont mean that in a patronising way ...............I just have got sooooooooo much out of my kids (and grand children) that I'm quite sad that not everyone experiences that.

I really dont understand the selfish jibes at all.

Soozy I think it's because people presume that we wish to live our lives without the constraints of having children, spend our money on ourselves only etc.

And I can kind of see how people would think that...although in our case it's just that we are simply not interested in children.

I can understand how hard that must be for parents to relate to. Smiler

In all honesty, I feel more selfish for making the decision to have a child than I ever did for not having one.
Queen of the High Teas
I see... I'm sure you know though that anaesthetists can deal with all sorts nowadays. I'm sure Sarum could tell you more on this subject - she's an expert. I don't think they would contemplate the op if they weren't confident of a good result.

Yes, you're right fabienne. I'm probably putting the cart before the horse I guess as I haven't even seen the consultant yet so there may be several options available - who knows but many thanks indeed for your kindness.

As you say, if anyone knows about surgery, it will be Sarum. God knows how she got through it all but she handled it with such stoicism.
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
I see... I'm sure you know though that anaesthetists can deal with all sorts nowadays. I'm sure Sarum could tell you more on this subject - she's an expert. I don't think they would contemplate the op if they weren't confident of a good result.

Yes, you're right fabienne. I'm probably putting the cart before the horse I guess as I haven't even seen the consultant yet so there may be several options available - who knows but many thanks indeed for your kindness.

As you say, if anyone knows about surgery, it will be Sarum. God knows how she got through it all but she handled it with such stoicism.

She's also an anaesthetist, if I remember rightly. Smiler
Originally posted by fabienne:
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
I see... I'm sure you know though that anaesthetists can deal with all sorts nowadays. I'm sure Sarum could tell you more on this subject - she's an expert. I don't think they would contemplate the op if they weren't confident of a good result.

Yes, you're right fabienne. I'm probably putting the cart before the horse I guess as I haven't even seen the consultant yet so there may be several options available - who knows but many thanks indeed for your kindness.

As you say, if anyone knows about surgery, it will be Sarum. God knows how she got through it all but she handled it with such stoicism.

She's also an anaesthetist, if I remember rightly. Smiler

Oh, I didn't know that.
Hi again Hyacinth Hug my brother has had kidney stones removed which was quite straight forward he was in terrible pain with them ,he has chronic lung problems since he was a child and was scared of having being put to sleep in case it would affect his lungs after the operation ,he had the operation and is free of the awful pain he suffered and he is fine Hug
I have read the whole thread and answers with a great interest.

I was never maternal when younger, got married quite late in life and we then decided that we would like children.

Tried and then went to doctors, had all necessary tests done and I found out that, after suddenly becoming very maternal, (mid 30's), I could'nt have a child.

It broke my heart as I have a brother 4 years younger than me and even though we fought like cat and dog when younger, just let anyone else have a go at either of us!!!!

I got really upset by people who we know asking us when we were starting a family as "You aren't getting any younger", but have now come to terms with it and just ignore the comments.

My husband was an only child, but was brought up with his cousin and considers her almost a sister and she has 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl and she is the only person who has never asked me the reasons why I have not had a baby.

I am lucky. I get on with her kids really well, they dont call me auntie, but consider me their auntie and tell their friends and boyfriends/girlfriends this. And yes...... I spoil them rotten!!

I think if you only want one child, that is your decision, you may decide differently in the future but you sound as if you have a wonderful relationship with your child and that is something to be really, really grateful for. People can be very unkind, even when they think they are being well meaning. I'm actually glad that I am now approaching my mid 40's and do not get the question as much, because at one time, when asked I used to go home and just cry over it.

It's strange, even though I can't have kids, I still get that maternal "pull" when I see a baby, but hey, thats life.

â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
I have read the whole thread and answers with a great interest.

I was never maternal when younger, got married quite late in life and we then decided that we would like children.

Tried and then went to doctors, had all necessary tests done and I found out that, after suddenly becoming very maternal, (mid 30's), I could'nt have a child.

It broke my heart as I have a brother 4 years younger than me and even though we fought like cat and dog when younger, just let anyone else have a go at either of us!!!!

I got really upset by people who we know asking us when we were starting a family as "You aren't getting any younger", but have now come to terms with it and just ignore the comments.

My husband was an only child, but was brought up with his cousin and considers her almost a sister and she has 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl and she is the only person who has never asked me the reasons why I have not had a baby.

I am lucky. I get on with her kids really well, they dont call me auntie, but consider me their auntie and tell their friends and boyfriends/girlfriends this. And yes...... I spoil them rotten!!

I think if you only want one child, that is your decision, you may decide differently in the future but you sound as if you have a wonderful relationship with your child and that is something to be really, really grateful for. People can be very unkind, even when they think they are being well meaning. I'm actually glad that I am now approaching my mid 40's and do not get the question as much, because at one time, when asked I used to go home and just cry over it.

It's strange, even though I can't have kids, I still get that maternal "pull" when I see a baby, but hey, thats life.


Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
I have read the whole thread and answers with a great interest.

I was never maternal when younger, got married quite late in life and we then decided that we would like children.

Tried and then went to doctors, had all necessary tests done and I found out that, after suddenly becoming very maternal, (mid 30's), I could'nt have a child.

It broke my heart as I have a brother 4 years younger than me and even though we fought like cat and dog when younger, just let anyone else have a go at either of us!!!!

I got really upset by people who we know asking us when we were starting a family as "You aren't getting any younger", but have now come to terms with it and just ignore the comments.

My husband was an only child, but was brought up with his cousin and considers her almost a sister and she has 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl and she is the only person who has never asked me the reasons why I have not had a baby.

I am lucky. I get on with her kids really well, they dont call me auntie, but consider me their auntie and tell their friends and boyfriends/girlfriends this. And yes...... I spoil them rotten!!

I think if you only want one child, that is your decision, you may decide differently in the future but you sound as if you have a wonderful relationship with your child and that is something to be really, really grateful for. People can be very unkind, even when they think they are being well meaning. I'm actually glad that I am now approaching my mid 40's and do not get the question as much, because at one time, when asked I used to go home and just cry over it.

It's strange, even though I can't have kids, I still get that maternal "pull" when I see a baby, but hey, thats life.



Thank you, I don't discuss this much, but just wanted to add my support to the original poster. Good luck to you with your bab.

â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Hi again Hyacinth Hug my brother has had kidney stones removed which was quite straight forward he was in terrible pain with them ,he has chronic lung problems since he was a child and was scared of having being put to sleep in case it would affect his lungs after the operation ,he had the operation and is free of the awful pain he suffered and he is fine Hug

That's a good bit of positive news Marguerita and I'm glad to hear your brother was OK after his surgery.

I always thought it was possible to flush kidney stones rather than undergoing surgery but obviously not.
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
I have read the whole thread and answers with a great interest.

I was never maternal when younger, got married quite late in life and we then decided that we would like children.

Tried and then went to doctors, had all necessary tests done and I found out that, after suddenly becoming very maternal, (mid 30's), I could'nt have a child.

It broke my heart as I have a brother 4 years younger than me and even though we fought like cat and dog when younger, just let anyone else have a go at either of us!!!!

I got really upset by people who we know asking us when we were starting a family as "You aren't getting any younger", but have now come to terms with it and just ignore the comments.

My husband was an only child, but was brought up with his cousin and considers her almost a sister and she has 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl and she is the only person who has never asked me the reasons why I have not had a baby.

I am lucky. I get on with her kids really well, they dont call me auntie, but consider me their auntie and tell their friends and boyfriends/girlfriends this. And yes...... I spoil them rotten!!

I think if you only want one child, that is your decision, you may decide differently in the future but you sound as if you have a wonderful relationship with your child and that is something to be really, really grateful for. People can be very unkind, even when they think they are being well meaning. I'm actually glad that I am now approaching my mid 40's and do not get the question as much, because at one time, when asked I used to go home and just cry over it.

It's strange, even though I can't have kids, I still get that maternal "pull" when I see a baby, but hey, thats life.

I can identify with all of that babe. Hug
Originally posted by angelicarwen:
I have been getting so much grief over the past few weeks from busybodies. Family , friends , people in the streets , people at playgroup , because I have decided to only have one child.

I am tired of having to justify myself to people telling them my daughter won't suffer for lack of a sibling , that I won't turn her into a brat and that she won't turn into a weirdo.

I have made this choice because I want to be able to give my daughter everything. I don't just mean in monetary terms but in time. I just don't feel that I would be able to devote as much time (and certainly not money) to her if I had another one.

I adore my baby and don't want anything to hold her back in this blooming society where kids get picked on because they don't have the right trainers.

So do you think I'm being selfish? Would she be much happier with a sibling? Will she feel an odd one out? Or am I being sensible in a world where folk pop out children wand pay for them by claiming benefits?

(Disclaimer - I am not having a go at anyone on benefits , anoyone who has more than one child and anyone who doesn't spend every waking minute with their children)Big Grin

I have just the one child she now coming up to 23, like you i had the same treatment. All the crap about an only child is a lonely child Roll Eyes spoiltbrat syndrome because of it Roll Eyes utter rot.
I have brought my daughter up to know what it is like to want, i made sure that she had a social life from a very young age, just like any other child with siblings, she has grown up to be a very well balanced,caring intelligent young woman and i am very very proud of her.
Originally posted by Cinds:
I am replying without reading the whole thread.

Do you really need to ask us (the forum)about your major life choices.

Have as many children as you want, whether its none, one, or six, do what we the forum members think really matter in your real life decisions.

Just to clarify before the thread disappears.

I wasn't asking how many kids you think I should have so I could go off and pop them out Big Grin

It was more of a musing as everyone else seems to think I should have another

I know you didn't read the whole thread but I didn't want anyone thinking I was really asking such monumental (sp) questions to a forum and was going to act on it Big Grin

I aint that daft guv honest Big Grin
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:Cheers!

Also, I have really good friends who chose not to have kids. They're lovely people and are wonderful with my lot, now, and when they were babies.

They get flack like you wouldn't believe!

My friend always said she couldn't trust herself with children because, hand on heart, she just didn't like them enough. LOL! I loved her for that.

Her hubby now has MS. She pointed out that she was even more glad that she's not had kids because she wanted to concentrate on hubby 100%.

Fair play, I think?
Valentine I kind of know how the child free feel. Coz I never wanted kids til I was in my mid 20s, (about 27 actually, ) and I got nagged to death by people about having one. Like I said, WHY do people always have to TELL you what to do! Mad and then when I only had ONE, I got mithered to have another

I've been with hubby since for 17 years, since we were 21. We didn't want kids until now but I've put up with many really rude and hurtful remarks by people who thought we should have them. It was the one about being selfish that used to really get on my nerves. The thing is the comments were nearly always directed at me when in fact hubby was less bothered than me. Now I'm getting comments about being selfish for waiting until now to have kids. Roll Eyes I just know that once baby's here I'm going to start getting the same questions and looks that you're getting now Arwen. I don't give a flying one anymore about other people's opinions. It's my family and my business just as it's your family and your business Arwen.
Clappingwell said
there is another side of the coin ive had 4 [all in 6 yrs ]children would have had more but couldnt ,ive put up with remarks some on here about how thoughtless and irresponsible it is to have so many,i fostered as well so always had quite a few children with me,my children were well behaved [not feral]have grown up to be responsible adults
i always had time individually and as a family for each of them,
but this was our choice, so please do not think that everyone who churns them out are irresposible all my children were planned ,i also went back to work when the youngest was 3yrs ,
Arwen Valentine Can't beleive you're still getting it in the neck about this!!!

I think I've told you before... but... one of my bessie mates made exactly the same decision as you, before they had their daughter they wanted loads, but after she was born they felt the way you do.

And... 14 years on.... they are fine, they don't regret their decision, and their daughter is lovely. She's not spoilt, or lonely, she's top of her school, a fantastic ballet dancer, a black belt in karate (cos they focus everything on her!).

Her mum is a very active mum (there are always activities scheduled, and lots of sleepovers and meeting up with friends etc).

Ignore other people Arwen.... I can't believe they are so rude!
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
I think I've told you before... but... one of my bessie mates made exactly the same decision as you, before they had their daughter they wanted loads, but after she was born they felt the way you do.

i can relate to that Big Grin when i was pregnant i imagined myself with a brood, like some sort of earth-mother hen Laugh then baby came and reality hit like a goods train and by the time she was 2 o/h had had the snip, much to the horror of family and some friends Roll Eyes it's something we've never regretted doing.
sproggy's 10 now and happy and sociable but also enjoys her own company which i think is an asset.
play it by ear, if you're a happy threesome keep it that way, if you get the urge to have more go with it but let it be your own descision and don't let anyone bully you into anything Smiler
electric shepherd

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