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I have been getting so much grief over the past few weeks from busybodies. Family , friends , people in the streets , people at playgroup , because I have decided to only have one child.

I am tired of having to justify myself to people telling them my daughter won't suffer for lack of a sibling , that I won't turn her into a brat and that she won't turn into a weirdo.

I have made this choice because I want to be able to give my daughter everything. I don't just mean in monetary terms but in time. I just don't feel that I would be able to devote as much time (and certainly not money) to her if I had another one.

I adore my baby and don't want anything to hold her back in this blooming society where kids get picked on because they don't have the right trainers.

So do you think I'm being selfish? Would she be much happier with a sibling? Will she feel an odd one out? Or am I being sensible in a world where folk pop out children wand pay for them by claiming benefits?

(Disclaimer - I am not having a go at anyone on benefits , anoyone who has more than one child and anyone who doesn't spend every waking minute with their children)Big Grin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by fabienne:
It's nobody else's business. Hug

We wanted more than one, but nature wouldn't oblige, so out of 3 pregnancies, we just have one wonderful child. Can't complain. Smiler

You're blessed to have one fabienne - we weren't that fortunate sadly.

I didn't tell a lot of people at the time about the anguish I was going through but it was upsetting when folk kept saying 'when are you going to start a family'.
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by fabienne:
It's nobody else's business. Hug

We wanted more than one, but nature wouldn't oblige, so out of 3 pregnancies, we just have one wonderful child. Can't complain. Smiler

You're blessed to have one fabienne - we weren't that fortunate sadly.

I didn't tell a lot of people at the time about the anguish I was going through but it was upsetting when folk kept saying 'when are you going to start a family'.

Hyacinth Hug People shouldn't make assumptions.
Originally posted by angelicarwen:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by angelicarwen:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
15!!! Mad

I don't think my bum could take it Red Face

Do them from your front bit! Mad

I don't think my front bum could take it Red Face

Speaking of which....did you see the poor woman who had the aggro with her chuff on last night's Embarrassing Bodies? Eeker

I've never seen anything like it in me made the anal flaps look inviting Disappointed
Whatever you think is best hun, it's your life. But I will say that I felt exactly the same as you once. My oldest meant (and still means) the whole world to me and I thought I'd rather just have him as I'd be able to spend all my time with him and he'd want for nothing but then seeing him grow and develope his own personality made me think that I'd love to see another little person turn into something wonderful so when my oldest started nursery I got pregnant (was accidental but a god-send Wink). Because of the timing it meant that I was able to spend most of the day seeing to the new arrival then after school time was for the oldest. My two boys get on great (most of the time) and they are best friends so it is amazing to see them grow together Big Grin

However, I'm now getting the 'Oooh wouldn't you like a wee girl?' question from everyone Laugh And the answer is No. No thank you!
Originally posted by scatterby:
I am an only child and I had a wonderful childhood. I'm now pregnant with my first (after trying for 9 years/fertility treatment, etc.) and so it looks like this one will be an only one too. I think these days it's quite a common thing anyway.

You do what you feel happy with Hug

awww congratulations scatts, I'm so happy for you Hug

Hyacinth and Fabienne Hug so sorry Frowner
Originally posted by mandala:
dont worry about it
to love one child wholeheartedly is better than having a clan and letting them run ferrell
single children dont suffer if they have a supportive network of family and friends

i have 4 and certainly didnt let them run wild
i took 10yrs off work to have mine and when they were young i was often complemented on how well behaved they were
i now have 6 dogs and i get the same compliments on their conduct so please dont be too quick to judge large families
i also know someone who was an only child who went on to have 6 of her own ,as she felt she missed out.
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Originally posted by scatterby:
I am an only child and I had a wonderful childhood. I'm now pregnant with my first (after trying for 9 years/fertility treatment, etc.) and so it looks like this one will be an only one too. I think these days it's quite a common thing anyway.

You do what you feel happy with Hug

awww congratulations scatts, I'm so happy for you Hug

Hyacinth and Fabienne Hug so sorry Frowner

Thanks PJ Hug

I sympathise with you both Hyacinth and Fabienne Hug
Arwen hun, it's nobody's business but you and your hubby's. My hubby was an only child and he hated it BUT things were much different 30 years ago than they are now. Most people I knew when we were growing up came from families where two or three kids quite close in age was the norm. Nowadays, we have lots of friends who have one child or two children with a fairly large age gap. How many siblings you have doesn't have anything to do with how bratty or weird you are, that is largely down to parenting. As I said my hubby is an only one and he didn't have a particularly good childhood but that was largely down to the fact his parents didn't take time to do things with him. You are clearly a good mum and I would say it speaks volumes that you are putting your little girls needs first. You are still young and have plenty of time left to have more kids if and when you are ready. Take no notice of other people's opinions about what constitutes the perfect family. There's no such thing. Hug
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by scatterby:
I am an only child and I had a wonderful childhood. I'm now pregnant with my first (after trying for 9 years/fertility treatment, etc.) and so it looks like this one will be an only one too. I think these days it's quite a common thing anyway.

You do what you feel happy with Hug

Oh, that's wonderful news scatterby. Congratulations - when is your baby due?
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by scatterby:
I am an only child and I had a wonderful childhood. I'm now pregnant with my first (after trying for 9 years/fertility treatment, etc.) and so it looks like this one will be an only one too. I think these days it's quite a common thing anyway.

You do what you feel happy with Hug

Oh, that's wonderful news scatterby. Congratulations - when is your baby due?

Thank you Hyacinth Hug Due on 9th October.
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by fabienne:
It's nobody else's business. Hug

We wanted more than one, but nature wouldn't oblige, so out of 3 pregnancies, we just have one wonderful child. Can't complain. Smiler

You're blessed to have one fabienne - we weren't that fortunate sadly.

I didn't tell a lot of people at the time about the anguish I was going through but it was upsetting when folk kept saying 'when are you going to start a family'.
Hyacinth people can be very insensitive and I dont think they realise how much hurt they are causing when they keep on about starting a family,it must have been a very upsetting time for you ,you are a lovely lady one of the best on this forum and I am sending you a big hugs Hug Hug

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