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Former Member

I went to the Post Office earlier - have to catch a bus (cos I'm a lazy git but I blame it on being disabled) 


Anyhoo I realised I hadn't got my one of my letters that needed posting so I had to go back to house to pick it up.  As I crossed the road (it's a dual carriage way) I heard an unmerciful loud bang.  Looked around and a car that had been speeding, clipped another, spun around and smashed into the bus shelter and totally took it out 


Seriously had I not gone back to pick up my letter I'd have still been sitting in that shelter and would in all probability be an  by now 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Wow Pengy! 


Did you get a Jebuslovesyou Dire Log? 

No!  See he doesn't lub me cos he didn't want me for a sunbeam 



@ Ev.  Someone else phoned as the car driver had to be cut out as the car landed in a lamp post after taking out the shelter   - driver was up and walking but they've taken them to hospital



Rawky - doughnuts are manna from heaven for me .

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Bliddy hell pengy! I'm very glad you didn't get squished and I do believe in guardian angels Hope you're not too shaken up, can I have one of your doughnuts please?

Fankoo sweets    they is jammy doughnuts *hands one to Sweets* 

I think so Sweet  It doesnt bear thinking about.



*munches doughnut*

Ev (Peachy)

Aw Pengy!!   Twas not your time!


don't be surprised if you start to shake & feel sick later...    I had a similar near miss once (was sitting on the grass painting my parents fence with my ipod on...   I got up to go & get a can of drink from their fridge, and whilst in the house heard an almighty smash...   neighbours daughter had parked her people carrier on their drive, leaving her toddler & baby in the car... the toddler took the hand brake off...   the kids were fine, but the people carrier smashed straight through the fence where I was painting only being stopped by a tree...  had I not got up I would have been between the people carrier & the tree) 


It freaked me...  and my parents once it dawned on them how near a miss it was...    and later that night I started to shake uncontrollably & spewed my guts up  (delayed shock apparently...   I didn't feel that shocked.. but my body was)



Am very glad you are still with us Pengy poos! 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Aw Pengy!!   Twas not your time!


don't be surprised if you start to shake & feel sick later...    I had a similar near miss once (was sitting on the grass painting my parents fence with my ipod on...   I got up to go & get a can of drink from their fridge, and whilst in the house heard an almighty smash...   neighbours daughter had parked her people carrier on their drive, leaving her toddler & baby in the car... the toddler took the hand brake off...   the kids were fine, but the people carrier smashed straight through the fence where I was painting only being stopped by a tree...  had I not got up I would have been between the people carrier & the tree) 


It freaked me...  and my parents once it dawned on them how near a miss it was...    and later that night I started to shake uncontrollably & spewed my guts up  (delayed shock apparently...   I didn't feel that shocked.. but my body was)



Am very glad you are still with us Pengy poos! 

Oh my stars Ditts   I agree twas not my time   and I'm glad we still have you 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

If you do start to feel sick n shaky...  don't let anyone convince you to put your head between your knees!  


It really doesn't help...   and is not the most pleasant of positions to sit in!   I swear MrD was just having a giggle when he made me do it!   luckily I removed head from knees before throwing up! 

*makes note not to put head between knees* 


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