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before saying something? my neighbour came round last sunday and asked to borrow ÂĢ10 for some baby milk *why she didn't have enough is another thing Roll Eyes* anyway, i had only ÂĢ15 on me, which i needed, so my daughter offered to lend her the money she has been saving to get her ear pierced (sp) on the understanding it was brought back on monday, we haven't seen her since Mad also they are always asking to borrow our hair curlers, another neighbour asked if we had any curlers she could use, so i went to get them and they aren't here, so i asked first neighbour if she still had them and she denys any knowledge of borrowing them Mad Mad rant over Big Grin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Frowner ooh, hate it when people borrow something and you never get it back. Reminds me, this woman i used to work with borrowed a book of me about 20 YEARS ago and ive still not got it back!!! Mad Laugh

Lol I'm the same, I'll forgive someone a money debt but I'm really precious about my 'stuff' and can remember exactly who borrowed what book/video/fridge magnet etc and never gave it back from many years ago. Big Grin
Originally posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
I think it's a lesson learnt and next time they's a kiss my behind. Some people take the pee out of good nature and always will Hug

it is Nod all the bliddy neighbours come to my house Laugh i'm mad about the curlers though they cost about 50 quid Mad i've gave daughter the tenner back though
Originally posted by erinp:
think you can kiss the money goodbye,but it can work for you as she wouldn't have the nerve to ever ask again.

That's how I see it. In all honesty - and I know it's difficult - you should look at it as lost money and take it as a bonus if you get it back. It's very wrong that she used baby milk as blackmail though.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Dex:
Never lend anything you're not prepapared to lose.

A tenner's not worth stressing over, surely?

Depends on the circumstances, a tenner might be nothing to one person, but to another it could be gas, electric or food. Considering she loaned the money off a teenage girl, she should be prepared pay it back.
Originally posted by Aimee:
before saying something? my neighbour came round last sunday and asked to borrow ÂĢ10 for some baby milk *why she didn't have enough is another thing Roll Eyes* anyway, i had only ÂĢ15 on me, which i needed, so my daughter offered to lend her the money she has been saving to get her ear pierced (sp) on the understanding it was brought back on monday, we haven't seen her since Mad also they are always asking to borrow our hair curlers, another neighbour asked if we had any curlers she could use, so i went to get them and they aren't here, so i asked first neighbour if she still had them and she denys any knowledge of borrowing them Mad Mad rant over Big Grin

Serously Aimee cut your losses and run, don't bother with her again, if you are good enough to borrow off, you are good enough to pay back. I had an ex-friend like this, took took took, then one time I asked a favour in return, which wasn't actually money or material, she refused, I said nothing about all I had loaned her, (it was as a favour and would never have shoved it in her face), but after she refused she became distant, fair enough her choice.

BUT, then the little cow started spreading rumours that I was making up my pregnancy as an attention seeking ploy Eeker

My lad is 12 now, has she ever apologised, NO, do I still see her, NO.

I do hope you get your money etc back, but if not, take it as a lesson, some people are just shits.
Originally posted by stonks:
Gawd I have a SIL like that, she was always on the borrow and we would have to chase her for the money until one day she blewup and told us how selfish we were cos we had more than her..we never went out or drank in the house but she did..never lent her a penny again.. Shake Head..

OMG!!!!!!!! I wonder if your SIL is my SIL too.

Cheeky mare my husbands sis....................I could tell you some stories but I wont bore you.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Hey thats not on, esp as its been saved by your Daughter for something she wants, go round there in the morning and ask for the tenner back, be pleasant about it so she has no reason to be an arse with you - defo get it back and don't lend again!

saw her loading her boyfriends car about an hour ago, looks like she's gone to stay at his house

i'm going to stop being nice Big Grin she's always coming round and asking to use my landline and yet she has a mobile Mad
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by stonks:
Gawd I have a SIL like that, she was always on the borrow and we would have to chase her for the money until one day she blewup and told us how selfish we were cos we had more than her..we never went out or drank in the house but she did..never lent her a penny again.. Shake Head..

OMG!!!!!!!! I wonder if your SIL is my SIL too.

Cheeky mare my husbands sis....................I could tell you some stories but I wont bore you.

Talking about cheeky SIL, mine has the audacity to ring my husband and ask him to loan her kids money *no shaking head in disbelief smiley(
Originally posted by Cinds:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by stonks:
Gawd I have a SIL like that, she was always on the borrow and we would have to chase her for the money until one day she blewup and told us how selfish we were cos we had more than her..we never went out or drank in the house but she did..never lent her a penny again.. Shake Head..

OMG!!!!!!!! I wonder if your SIL is my SIL too.

Cheeky mare my husbands sis....................I could tell you some stories but I wont bore you.

Talking about cheeky SIL, mine has the audacity to ring my husband and ask him to loan her kids money *no shaking head in disbelief smiley(

Been there - done that ...........I wonder if we all have the same SIL in common. We were asked to be gaurontor (sp) for the niece as she was renting a house ........we said no (we're not stupid) they have since been evicted and have obviously forgotten they asked us last time round ................just been asked again! Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm NO!
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by pussycatj:
Aimesss why don't you tell her she is probably entitled to 'Free Milk Vouchers', might be a good way to ask for the money back at the same time. Valentine

Valentine she hasn't registred the baby yet Roll Eyes so she can't claim for anything, i'm too much of a soft touch thats the problem Laugh

You are, you big softie, so is your lovely daughter Hug
Originally posted by Dex:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dex:
Never lend anything you're not prepared to lose.

A tenner's not worth stressing over, surely?

it is to a kid thats been saving for some thing

A decent parent wouldn't allow a child to lend anyone money in the first place. Sorry to be harsh.........

i will slap myself before i go to bed for letting my daughter lend money for someone to buy food for a 5 week old baby Roll Eyes YES we where wrong to do so in hind sight, but do not call me a bad parent
Originally posted by Dex:
Never lend anything you're not prepared to lose.

A tenner's not worth stressing over, surely?

It is when Aimee's daughter had been saving it up; she lent what she had out of the goodness of her heart and the neighbour betrayed her trust. She should be shamed into paying it back. If she's struggling to pay it back, she should have explained the situation but to say nothing is just wrong!
Originally posted by Dex:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dex:
Never lend anything you're not prepared to lose.

A tenner's not worth stressing over, surely?

it is to a kid thats been saving for some thing

A decent parent wouldn't allow a child to lend anyone money in the first place. Sorry to be harsh.........

you are harsh and sodding rude, take a hike!
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by stonks:
Gawd I have a SIL like that, she was always on the borrow and we would have to chase her for the money until one day she blewup and told us how selfish we were cos we had more than her..we never went out or drank in the house but she did..never lent her a penny again.. Shake Head..

OMG!!!!!!!! I wonder if your SIL is my SIL too.

Cheeky mare my husbands sis....................I could tell you some stories but I wont bore you.

Gawd I hope not, she's a one.. Shake Head.. but I learnt a lesson lend a bad payer some money don't expect it back they usually stop asking because they are affraid you'll ask for what they initially owe....
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dex:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dex:
Never lend anything you're not prepared to lose.

A tenner's not worth stressing over, surely?

it is to a kid thats been saving for some thing

A decent parent wouldn't allow a child to lend anyone money in the first place. Sorry to be harsh.........

i will slap myself before i go to bed for letting my daughter lend money for someone to buy food for a 5 week old baby Roll Eyes YES we where wrong to do so in hind sight, but do not call me a bad parent

Take no notice.... Hug
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dex:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Dex:
Never lend anything you're not prepared to lose.

A tenner's not worth stressing over, surely?

it is to a kid thats been saving for some thing

A decent parent wouldn't allow a child to lend anyone money in the first place. Sorry to be harsh.........

i will slap myself before i go to bed for letting my daughter lend money for someone to buy food for a 5 week old baby Roll Eyes YES we where wrong to do so in hind sight, but do not call me a bad parent

You're not at all ..........the whole 'buying milk for the baby' scam is pretty shit IMO. Even if they are on benefits baby milk should be a priority could you possibly go begging for money to feed a baby? Emotional blackmail IMO>
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by stonks:
Gawd I have a SIL like that, she was always on the borrow and we would have to chase her for the money until one day she blewup and told us how selfish we were cos we had more than her..we never went out or drank in the house but she did..never lent her a penny again.. Shake Head..

i won't make the same mistake again Mad

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