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Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

`dont like change` (spoken in a yorkshire accent)

tha dunt duz tha (spoken in a Yorkshire Accent)

Nah, a dain't like change eitha. (Spoken in a Geordie accent) 


The only thing I can say in a convincing Geordie accent is "the photocopier needs new paper". I've been told it is very good.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

`dont like change` (spoken in a yorkshire accent)

tha dunt duz tha (spoken in a Yorkshire Accent)

Nah, a dain't like change eitha. (Spoken in a Geordie accent) 


The only thing I can say in a convincing Geordie accent is "the photocopier needs new paper". I've been told it is very good.



It's funny when the printers or copier go off in the office I normally say it needs it's nappy changing 

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I don't like change.


I like things done MY WAY and don't like when people change things on my laptop etc.


When the forum or facebook etc changes things it takes me a while to like them.  


Well Ells, that is something which can be remedied.

Well don't just sit there!  Tell me how!


(spoken in whatever accent you read in)

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I don't like change.


I like things done MY WAY and don't like when people change things on my laptop etc.


When the forum or facebook etc changes things it takes me a while to like them.  


Well Ells, that is something which can be remedied.

Well don't just sit there!  Tell me how!


(spoken in whatever accent you read in)

Presuming you are on Windows 7 (if not ignore this )


Make sure you are the administrator, change the password (don't tell anyone what it is), then create an user for each person and restrict what they can do using parental rights. You can set it to deny them access to anything, then add applications one by one.


Start with a bit of reading.


I have a better link at work, will need to email home.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Got a letter from the bank this morning that one of the ÂĢ20 I paid in was fake


I obviously didn't spot it - neither did the member of staff who took it - never mind - must remind Mr Woo to tell them all to be vigilant.

Hope you weren't charged by the bank Soozy. If it convinced the cashier then how could you have known?



Where I work one of the things we are reviewed on is "openness to change". I do feel at times that it can be a stick to be us with as if you don't necessarily agree with the change you are seen as being unwilling to change or not progressive.


My response is usually this "I am quite open to change, but it has to be the right change". I have seen too many changes in my working like which turned out to be a backward step. Usually instigated by a "new broom" wanting to make a mark!


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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