Well said Joe.Alas we have the Murdoch empire etc spewing out Tory propagada at an acelerated rate now.Oh and Tory "advisers" etc with offshore accounts,tax free etc .Yes there are fraudsters ,but they are at all levels.
I hate going into personal details so,I'll be brief,my late brother worked all his life as a hot metal plate compositor in the printing industry.This before comps etc.The printing industry has changed so much etc .He had a stroke over twenty years ago,it left him disabled,he did not admit how much to the "authorities" pride and all that.He could no longer write freehand..only print,it left one side of his body weakened,bad leg and arm.
He died four years ago aged 53.Now I will say "new Labour" started to bring in "assesments",they took him off incapacity benefit and stated he could do certain work.This was the usual "training" flipping phone calls and working on a comp.
I'd kick all government arseholes into touch!