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Woman Phones Police To Report Stolen Snowman

“It ain’t a nice road but at the end of the day, you don’t expect someone to nick your snowman, know what I mean?” It may sound like a line from a Guy Ritchie film, but it really did happen. 

The British woman phoned the emergency services number of 999 from Chatham, Kent, to report her stolen snowman. “I haven’t been out to check on him for five hours but I went outside for a fag and he’s gone,” she said, and when asked by the operator who she meant, she said “My snowman. I thought that with it being icy and there not being anybody about, he’d be safe.” She elaborated further: “My snowman. I thought that with it being icy and there not being anybody about, he’d be safe.”

Apparently said snowman had pound coins for eyes and teaspoons for arms, hence her alarm at finding out someone robbed her of her snowman. The police, of course, have warned her from wasting their time. You can hear the phone call on the BBC’s site now. [BBC]

Image Credit: MGShelton

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