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Oh god Crispy...

right here goes...

I have to go and see 2 patients first thing
I will be back by 0900 then I will have a lovely coffee and put the turkey in the oven
Then I will wake my OH up.
We will have dinner at about 2pm and probably watch films that he has downloaded all afternoon.

I have yet to buy the food - will be doing so wednesday
Prep/peel most things the night before.

Get up around 8ish.  Have a cuppa. Put ovens on. Turn on the i-pod.
Hoik bodies out of bed by shouting "He's been" and make bacon sarnies.

Open bottles of fizz.  Open prezzies with various zombies.
Scuttle off to shower.

Return to kitchen looking drop dead gorgeous.
Check supplies and glass are in usual place by ovens and proceed to cook up a banquet of crimbo delights.

Others arrive around midday.  This year there will be 22 of us.

Aim to serve lunch at 1.30pm.  Fail.  Usually sit down at 2pm feeling no pain.
The rest of the days pans out as the mood takes me.
Sprouty, I'm sure there are lots of people in the same boat. But some people don't like all the fuss that goes with Christmas. My brother has always worked on any Xmas holidays cos it's triple pay It's personal choice and preference and I would hate to be sitting with people on Christmas Day who I didn't get on with or found a complete pain in the arse. (Been there, done that!)

For me personally, it's just such a major contrast to last year when I wasn't in a Christmassy mood at all, and for a few reasons I'm savouring every moment of this year and enjoying the whole build up and hope to enjoy the day itself and the days leading up to New Year. I've spent enough years in the past either waking up with a hangover or wandering in at noon still pissed on Christmas day so this year will try and do my bit!

Cosi, you is one braaaaaave woman
Up and about by 6.30 at the latest.... Christmas songs on.... get all excited with the kids....shake the hungover ones who we still think are babies but aren't....remind them that this is about the little ones...bacon and sausage muffin sarnies and bucks fizz... marathon pressie opening session, one at a time so everyone can see and always a few tears when people open the really 'thoughtful' with the kids....Baileys and finish off the food preps...trip to the cemetery, (more tears,)....cook dinner and get a bit tarted up.... eat dinner and have a the silly p take after dinner gifts and ROFL.... then games and much fun and frivolity by all.....I have NEVER seen the Queen's speech or any TV on Christmas day EVER!......Crash out and start all over again
Usually it averages between 24 to 28 but we're down a few this year. It's not so difficult when you've been doing it for eons   and it's pretty much like a glorified Sunday lunch.
That's how it used to be for me Cosi, but too many dead 'uns and ones who live abroad now, so down to about 10- 15ish depending on how many others join us who are not family but would have been otherwise on their own.....all are welcome :-) .....We're at one with this, it's just 'Sunday lunch' one of the easiest meals to cook imo
Just me and the kids this year (bliss!!!) and no Christmas dinner to prep - their request and my agreement.

So will wake when they do (but by 9am latest as their dad picks them up by about 10am).  Open their stuff (and my odds and ends). They leave, I get myself sorted and pop round the corner to my mates for some bubbly and some chat. They get home about 1pm. No dinner to prep this year but a good brunch is planned then an afternoon with M&S party nibbles/wine. Son will be on his Kinect, Daughter on new lappy and I will treat myself to a good book. 

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