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I went off Corin when she continued doing the task when Keely hurt her ankle when everyone else had stopped she carried on she was cold and uncaring,I thought her interview was the worse of the night she made no sense she kept babbling on and avoided giving straight answers.
Mr stonks was totally shocked by that and disliked her with a vengence after that....
My take on it is this.,..
Corin was on a high last night when she came out of the house. Therefore she did not react well because probably she was a little bit noneplussed to say the least .
She has been in a cloistered environment for how long? No contact with the outside world, no contact with anyone apart from her fellow housemates and she probably has become a little institutionalised.
It was a stupid thing to do to suddenly throw that at her and not only that but we do not have the full story of what really went on with those two and I would imagine that Corin will be talking to Rachel in private.
To be honest I hold Rachel in contempt for getting on the gravy train and running to the papers.  She is just as bad especially as Corin was not there to defend herself.
Reference: Isadora
To be honest I hold Rachel in contempt for getting on the gravy train and running to the papers. She is just as bad especially as Corin was not there to defend herself.
It was taken from a local paper, though. Maybe they contacted her?

I'm sure that she would have gone for a big tabloid, if she was doing it to earn some cash.
Corin confused me a bit and i couldnt make up my mind about her. She was 'ok' but something about her didnt sit well with me.  I am confused also as to why she drooled over JJ1, when she was supposed to be A: in a relationship, and B: a lesbian, and she was also quite cold towards that Jo girl who went last week. I reckon she will be first in the queue for a nuts magazine shoot next week.
Did her time in the house give her enough time to finally get her head together?,maybe....Apparently she was with her husband since she was 18,they married 5 or 7 years later and within months he was tragically killed,she'd said no other man could ever match up to him,so for whatever reason she had a lesbian relationship which was turbulent,apparently...Can we understand the why's and therefore's,imo no, and for me it's down to the simple fact thankfully my husband wasn't killed so I have never felt that grief to honestly give an opinion on why she would or wouldn't act that way.
Reference: Mono
Didnt she claim to be lesbian before she went in the house though?
According to the channel 4 site -

A high maintenance girly girl, Corin is bisexual and has been with her girlfriend for over two years. Corin sadly became a widower when her husband was killed in an accident at work just four months after they were married. From this she learnt that life is too short, 'you have to grab it by the short and curlys'.

Corin may put her relationship with her girlfriend on hold whilst she's in the house so she doesn't have to worry about her behaviour. If she thought she could get away with cheating, she would do so with a man and thinks her next relationship will be with a guy, not a girl.
Did her time in the house give her enough time to finally get her head together?,maybe....Apparently she was with her husband since she was 18,they married 5 or 7 years later and within months he was tragically killed,she'd said no other man could ever match up to him,so for whatever reason she had a lesbian relationship which was turbulent,apparently...Can we understand the why's and therefore's,imo no, and for me it's down to the simple fact thankfully my husband wasn't killed so I have never felt that grief to honestly give an opinion on why she would or wouldn't act that way.
I completely agree Lee. Grief does funny things to your psyche.I just am not going to judge her here,
see I dont get the whole putting a relationship on hold thing, you are either in it, or not....I think from the post made from the c4 site, corin wasnt actually in it "if she can get away with cheating" nobody in a relationship with someone they love would even be thinking that! she should have finished it. Grief shouldnt play any part in it.
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)
Losing her husband the way she did could play a huge part in how some folk see her as being cold and being fake for putting on a happy face all the time....She may not be cold at all,she may have been so hurt she became desensitised to things which previously she'd have handled differently, thing's  which she'd have reacted to differently,less emotional ,a whole list of things could apply.
My impression is that Corin in her mind has finished with her gf but didn't want to embarrass her by confirming it on TV before speaking to her privately first, and felt unable to reply with a direct lie when asked if the relationship was still on. 

Had she been a cold-blooded slapper who didn't give a toss it would have been easier for her to just come out and say it's over, particularly when confronted with the header from when her gf went to the papers. 

I see nothing particularly nasty in someone deciding to end a relationship happens, never pleasant and usually painful for at least one side. It's not uncommon  after a life changing event for people to reassess relationships and  move on...... doesn't make them evil, just human.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
~hoochie~ 13th Cribette offline 5,169 Forum Posts Today at 5:02 PM Last Edited: My impression is that Corin in her mind has finished with her gf but didn't want to embarrass her by confirming it on TV before speaking to her privately first, and felt unable to reply with a direct lie when asked if the relationship was still on. Had she been a cold-blooded slapper who didn't give a toss it would have been easier for her to just come out and say it's over, particularly when confronted with the header from when her gf went to the papers. I see nothing particularly nasty in someone deciding to end a relationship happens, never pleasant and usually painful for at least one side. It's not uncommon after a life changing event for people to reassess relationships and move on...... doesn't make them evil, just human.
Instead she decided to humiliate her gf by getting into bed with JJ.  It would've been kinder to have finished it before she went into the house, or how about not doing what she did?
I don't think it registered with her at all.  She was still buzzing from listening to the cheers and posing for the paps that it seemed to go over her head.
I agree with Isadora.  I won't judge her on here.  I liked Corin and accept that she changed her game once nominations were finished.  She is going to lap up all the attention and good on her if that's what she wants.
Instead she decided to humiliate her gf by getting into bed with JJ. It would've been kinder to have finished it before she went into the house, or how about not doing what she did?
I'm not sure what the implications of putting a relationship "on hold" are as Corin's profile...... not something I've ever done or known of others doing .... but it doesn't suggest "committed and going well" to me. I suspect the agreement was that she could do what worked for her, and they'd talk later, but who knows?
Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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