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Not sure this year.  Maybe just have a quiet relaxed xmas day at home, just the 4 of us.  The last 3 xmas's we've been to my parents, the OH's brother's and we've had the OH's mum here so I think we'll just have our own xmas, just the 4 of us.  It means no worrying about the roads if its snowing, no dressing up to go anywhere and no cooking for other people except us!

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

same as I spend every other day of the yr the house on me own watching the tellybox. .


Seriously you should be thankful you have family and friends to spend it with, even if you have to work some of the time, is all I will say cos you don't know when they'll no longer be there. .



and errrrrrrrrrrrm Bah Humbug

i am thankful


Christmas Day will be spent with hubby and youngest son. Youngest son's GF is working but has been invited to join us if she can. We will have a traditional Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings.

Eldest and middle son will be spending Christmas Day with their wife and fiancee's families but will be with us on Boxing Day - as will other family members. Mr Yogi will do all the cooking.

Originally Posted by Renton:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

same as I spend every other day of the yr the house on me own watching the tellybox. .


Seriously you should be thankful you have family and friends to spend it with, even if you have to work some of the time, is all I will say cos you don't know when they'll no longer be there. .



and errrrrrrrrrrrm Bah Humbug

i am thankful

Good !!

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I always think of yogi as young 30's too! I'm not going to switzerland lol I am Switzerland- as in neutral, not choosing sides, the family can fall out with each other all they want but I'm staying out of it! I only get 2 days off work, I wish I was going to Switzerland Zazz do you have to work all day on Xmas?

You wouldn't, if you could see me!

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I always think of yogi as young 30's too! I'm not going to switzerland lol I am Switzerland- as in neutral, not choosing sides, the family can fall out with each other all they want but I'm staying out of it! I only get 2 days off work, I wish I was going to Switzerland Zazz do you have to work all day on Xmas?

No, not all day, just a few hours, the pub I chef at is doing christmas dinner(bookings only) So I will only be there for the brunt of christmas dinner...probably from 1-5pm 6 o clock tops!!



Christmas I will spend at home,  and apparently cooking   ... but I blooming love Christmas.  Christmas eve, I will go and see the Christmas lights, as i always do, then go to midnight mass.  Christmas morning is quite civilised in my house, lil gyps has never been one for getting up at 5am, even as a tiny tot.... she likes to sleep. So we will get up about 9 and have champagne for breakfast Then pressie and preparing the table for dinner later etc.  Nothing is ever rushed, thats why i like to stay at home, I hate having to be at a particular place at a set time etc. I dont care if we dont eat till 10pm, because we will be eating and drinking and watching Christmas films all day long.

Originally Posted by zazz:

Christmas I will spend at home,  and apparently cooking   ... but I blooming love Christmas.  Christmas eve, I will go and see the Christmas lights, as i always do, then go to midnight mass.  Christmas morning is quite civilised in my house, lil gyps has never been one for getting up at 5am, even as a tiny tot.... she likes to sleep. So we will get up about 9 and have champagne for breakfast Then pressie and preparing the table for dinner later etc.  Nothing is ever rushed, thats why i like to stay at home, I hate having to be at a particular place at a set time etc. I dont care if we dont eat till 10pm, because we will be eating and drinking and watching Christmas films all day long.

I LOVE IT TOO!  It's the best time of year for me.  


Renton, I am sorry you have been asked to work it.  There's about 8 of us that spend it together, and I ADORE going out with the kids in the family, taking them to see Santa, and to the local farms and so on, to see all the Crimbo stuff, and the events going on. And I LOVE the carol services and the Christmas fayres and all sorts.  And our neighbours are friendly too, and all love Christmas.. Most of them have lights on the homes, or in the windows, and the street looks great! 


I love the lights and the atmosphere, and buying pressies for my family, and I love the cold and frosty evenings, and all the decorations.  They go up on December 1st in our home, and I cannot WAIT to put them up.  All of my family and friends are excited about it.  Almost everyone is off for most of the season, so we will have a great time together.  Can't believe it's only 48 days!!! 


But having to work it is a bit shit... and I hope you still manage to enjoy the Christmas season, (and by the way, don't feel guilty for enjoying it.)


Wake up, open up 'special' pressies - go to my daughters for breakfast.Phone call to my sister and other relatives. My mum, daughter, son his partner and two grandsons come about 1 o'clock - dinner about 5 by which time my other son and his partner will be here after having an early dinner at the partners parents.


In the evening open house - neighbours pop in and old friends (some of the kids old school friends) - whoever - we really do open up the house to anyone and eveyrone ...........hate for people to be on their own.


Olly you really would be more than welcome!

Boxing day is a quieter version of the same with an all day buffet (hot stuff later in the day). All very informal - not much telly (maybe Dr Who) lots of games and playing with the kids toys etc.





Ooooooooooh and just because it's Christmas - lots of alcohol 

Soozy Woo

awww  Soozy ..  nice offer but for a start I have agoraphobia now and can't go anywhere apart from a quick dash to the local small shops/Docs or Chemist once a month or so.. and very occasionally, on a  very good  day which is very rare, a visit to my mates fiancΓ©es house  cos that isn't too far from me but I can't stay long and have to get home asap. .am so used to being on my own as well now that when my mate pops around now and then I get stressed if they stay too long too...  and even if I nip next door to my neighbour/friend I am ansty after ten minutes and have to go back to mine or I am panicking and getting all hot and sweaty and in a kerfuffle.. . . I've become a hermit and am terrible company now .. 


the rest of my remaining mates live miles away and some are abroad too so I've rarely seen them these past yrs if at all..  I've forgotten what it's like to be sociable it's been so long .. I'm the archetypical grumpy old woman. . and  I have a cat too 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Renton:

YOGI - i seriously had you about 30-35

Crazy young fool LOL

Aww, I love you for that, Renton.

I'm 51, but don't tell anybody else, okay?

aww i love yogi, Ren shes been like my 2nd mum on here shes a real diamond just like my real mum.but yogis helped me so much and wont ever forget it.

gone off subject, love christmas open house here for anyone to wander in, same every year i think mum looks after everyone to much cos they keep coming back  oh exciting christmas soon be here


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