Skip to main content know I feel your pain with the IBS.  Mine has turned me into a hermit who goes nowhere on her own and hasn't had a spontaneous outing in about 8 months because of it.


Are you taking Mebeverine/Colofac?  It is supposed to help the bowel spasms and it does to some extent.  I've read that taking fibogel also helps IBS-D even though it is used more to treat IBS-C as it 'bulks up' your umm.....waste!  


It's a nasty condition that people don't really understand and can affect you in more than a physical way so....    

Originally Posted by Ells: know I feel your pain with the IBS.  Mine has turned me into a hermit who goes nowhere on her own and hasn't had a spontaneous outing in about 8 months because of it.


Are you taking Mebeverine/Colofac?  It is supposed to help the bowel spasms and it does to some extent.  I've read that taking fibogel also helps IBS-D even though it is used more to treat IBS-C as it 'bulks up' your umm.....waste!  


It's a nasty condition that people don't really understand and can affect you in more than a physical way so....    

 Sounds like torture 


Rog I know some people who have a mild version of it, one of my friends does and she thinks I'm over-reacting when I say I can't do a spur of the moment night out because of it but I honestly can't.  Mine is linked to anxiety about having to use public bathrooms and of people knowing that I am 'doing business' if I'm in there a long time.  Sounds silly but it is one of those things that I can't help.....I know everyone poops so it shouldn't be such an issue!


The bowel is linked to the nervous system and if I get even a hint of nerves I'm running for the loo.  My attacks are random and not always linked to food so I can't seem to guess when it will attack.  So every outing is met with 'what if we get stuck in traffic?' or the thought of 'what if we're in an accident and I get nervous'?    It makes me sound like a crazy person, I know, but I honestly do try to not think that way but knowing how quickly an attack can come on and how bad the pain is makes me not want to leave the house in case when an attack comes I'm not near the bathroom or, just as scary for me, I have to use a public bathroom and there might be people waiting to use it and I end up causing a 20 minute wait!  


Oh I sound even crazier when it's written down me to turn a thread about food into one about pooping!


Not at all Ells, thats a fascinating insight. Psychological stress often triggers physical problems [ e.g. my relatives suffer bad asthma attacks in stressful situations].



Sorry if it sounds dumb but did you ever try relaxation mp3s? Theres a couple of free CBT 4 min mp3s from a CBT site recommended by the NHS [LLTTF / Fiveareasonline ]  They're really good for my anxiety.


Did you ever hear of NI based hypnotherapist Alan Gilchrist? I listen to the free relaxation recording on his site.


The above recordings contain command words which you repeat to yourself in a difficult situation. Can pm you more info if its any help?

 Wish something could be found to help you xx 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ells:

Rog I know some people who have a mild version of it, one of my friends does and she thinks I'm over-reacting when I say I can't do a spur of the moment night out because of it but I honestly can't.  Mine is linked to anxiety about having to use public bathrooms and of people knowing that I am 'doing business' if I'm in there a long time.  Sounds silly but it is one of those things that I can't help.....I know everyone poops so it shouldn't be such an issue!


The bowel is linked to the nervous system and if I get even a hint of nerves I'm running for the loo.  My attacks are random and not always linked to food so I can't seem to guess when it will attack.  So every outing is met with 'what if we get stuck in traffic?' or the thought of 'what if we're in an accident and I get nervous'?    It makes me sound like a crazy person, I know, but I honestly do try to not think that way but knowing how quickly an attack can come on and how bad the pain is makes me not want to leave the house in case when an attack comes I'm not near the bathroom or, just as scary for me, I have to use a public bathroom and there might be people waiting to use it and I end up causing a 20 minute wait!  


Oh I sound even crazier when it's written down me to turn a thread about food into one about pooping!

Ells, I have Crohns Disease and I can relate to everything you said. You don't sound crazy, at all.


Well I am glad I don't sound toooo crazy  


Rog I have been doing some deep breathing exercises when I feel the nerves kicking in and I must say they really do help.  I had to take my son to the orthodontist last week and as the waiting got longer and longer the more panicked I became but I just started the breathing exercises and it settled enough for me not to run to the car and go straight home (I've done this a few times with appointments in the embarrassing just doing a runner!) so yes, I'd love some more info on that type of thing please xx


Yogi my brother has Chrohn's too but has no symptoms at the minute but on the other hand my OH's dad also has it and has had to have a colostomy fitted as it got so bad.  I hope you're doing ok with yours 

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Having thought long and hard I think if I had a choice I would like my eggs chocolate. 



Ooooh good choice!!


Has to be cadbury's only though.


My two favourite brands are Cadbury's and Lindt. I have been know to eat a whole box of Lindt balls in a day and not the small b ox either!!!



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Having thought long and hard I think if I had a choice I would like my eggs chocolate. 



Ooooh good choice!!


Has to be cadbury's only though.


My two favourite brands are Cadbury's and Lindt. I have been know to eat a whole box of Lindt balls in a day and not the small b ox either!!!



   Easy peasy.....      I bought a box of the caramel ones the other week, on offer in Sainsbury's petrol station for a quid - would have been rude not to.  They were scrummy.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Having thought long and hard I think if I had a choice I would like my eggs chocolate. 



Ooooh good choice!!


Has to be cadbury's only though.


My two favourite brands are Cadbury's and Lindt. I have been know to eat a whole box of Lindt balls in a day and not the small b ox either!!!



   Easy peasy.....      I bought a box of the caramel ones the other week, on offer in Sainsbury's petrol station for a quid - would have been rude not to.  They were scrummy.


What grammage was the b ox Kaffy?


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Having thought long and hard I think if I had a choice I would like my eggs chocolate. 



Ooooh good choice!!


Has to be cadbury's only though.


My two favourite brands are Cadbury's and Lindt. I have been know to eat a whole box of Lindt balls in a day and not the small b ox either!!!



   Easy peasy.....      I bought a box of the caramel ones the other week, on offer in Sainsbury's petrol station for a quid - would have been rude not to.  They were scrummy.


What grammage was the b ox Kaffy?


ermmm.. dunno... was the one that usually retails for five quid odds though - about six/seven inches tall?   (not the tiny ones that only have about four in)

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Having thought long and hard I think if I had a choice I would like my eggs chocolate. 



Ooooh good choice!!


Has to be cadbury's only though.


My two favourite brands are Cadbury's and Lindt. I have been know to eat a whole box of Lindt balls in a day and not the small b ox either!!!



   Easy peasy.....      I bought a box of the caramel ones the other week, on offer in Sainsbury's petrol station for a quid - would have been rude not to.  They were scrummy.


What grammage was the b ox Kaffy?


ermmm.. dunno... was the one that usually retails for five quid odds though - about six/seven inches tall?   (not the tiny ones that only have about four in)


Sweet !!!!


That's the big box, the one I polish off too. 


You are truly in the premier league of chocolate scoffersâ€Ķ just like me 



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


You are truly in the premier league of chocolate scoffersâ€Ķ just like me 



Oh I know.... !     I wish I'd bought a few boxes now..


At that price you could have got me one or maybe ten 


For when my fast finishes at the end of April of course.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


You are truly in the premier league of chocolate scoffersâ€Ķ just like me 



Oh I know.... !     I wish I'd bought a few boxes now..


At that price you could have got me one or maybe ten 


For when my fast finishes at the end of April of course.

Have you still had no chocolate since new year?   


I'm impressed.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


You are truly in the premier league of chocolate scoffersâ€Ķ just like me 



Oh I know.... !     I wish I'd bought a few boxes now..


At that price you could have got me one or maybe ten 


For when my fast finishes at the end of April of course.

Have you still had no chocolate since new year?   


I'm impressed.


Thank you 


None at all. Not even a hot chocolate in Costa, nothing!!


To be fair I am not craving any either. I have been in the supermarket where they have been selling my favourite bags of chocolate buttons for ÂĢ1 a bag. Normally I would have grabbed four bags. Now I go for punnets of grapes.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


You are truly in the premier league of chocolate scoffersâ€Ķ just like me 



Oh I know.... !     I wish I'd bought a few boxes now..


At that price you could have got me one or maybe ten 


For when my fast finishes at the end of April of course.

Have you still had no chocolate since new year?   


I'm impressed.


Thank you 


None at all. Not even a hot chocolate in Costa, nothing!!


To be fair I am not craving any either. I have been in the supermarket where they have been selling my favourite bags of chocolate buttons for ÂĢ1 a bag. Normally I would have grabbed four bags. Now I go for punnets of grapes.



Wow, go you!  You probably don't even like chocolate any more  (so if you need any 'tidied up'.....)

Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Kaffs:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


You are truly in the premier league of chocolate scoffersâ€Ķ just like me 



Oh I know.... !     I wish I'd bought a few boxes now..


At that price you could have got me one or maybe ten 


For when my fast finishes at the end of April of course.

Have you still had no chocolate since new year?   


I'm impressed.


Thank you 


None at all. Not even a hot chocolate in Costa, nothing!!


To be fair I am not craving any either. I have been in the supermarket where they have been selling my favourite bags of chocolate buttons for ÂĢ1 a bag. Normally I would have grabbed four bags. Now I go for punnets of grapes.



Wow, go you!  You probably don't even like chocolate any more  (so if you need any 'tidied up'.....)

I'm sure if I had not told anyone my regime I may have succumbed to a bar or two by now. 


Unfortunately I have nothing in the house to temp me, so sorry, can't pass any your way Kaffy.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Ells:

Rog I know some people who have a mild version of it, one of my friends does and she thinks I'm over-reacting when I say I can't do a spur of the moment night out because of it but I honestly can't.  Mine is linked to anxiety about having to use public bathrooms and of people knowing that I am 'doing business' if I'm in there a long time.  Sounds silly but it is one of those things that I can't help.....I know everyone poops so it shouldn't be such an issue!


The bowel is linked to the nervous system and if I get even a hint of nerves I'm running for the loo.  My attacks are random and not always linked to food so I can't seem to guess when it will attack.  So every outing is met with 'what if we get stuck in traffic?' or the thought of 'what if we're in an accident and I get nervous'?    It makes me sound like a crazy person, I know, but I honestly do try to not think that way but knowing how quickly an attack can come on and how bad the pain is makes me not want to leave the house in case when an attack comes I'm not near the bathroom or, just as scary for me, I have to use a public bathroom and there might be people waiting to use it and I end up causing a 20 minute wait!  


Oh I sound even crazier when it's written down me to turn a thread about food into one about pooping!

So well put  a lot of mine is food related but then the anxiety triggers it as well


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