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Lets face it, like her or hate her (and im the latter) shes got this show in the bag now so when she re-enters the BB house for the allstars show how will she do against the legends?

As much as I dislike her I have to admire her tactics for winning, shes played the game well and used her "innocent country girl act" really well, they all worship her in there and it seems out here to lol

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Can you see her lying on her back sucking her thumb or will she be a bit more animated? Who knows
It's amazing that with her hardly doing anything in the house for 10 weeks she will win BB11 lol,  her fans must love sleeping under the duvet action.   Without John James she'll have to actually stand up for a few hours of the day.
Firstly, I have to disagree with the 'innocent country girl' tag.

She has hardly put herself across as 'innocent. She has been sexually explicit, crude and earthy. The fact that she has a Bristolian accent and has grown up around horses and farms, makes her a 'country girl' and therefore that is not an act.

Secondly, depending on who is actually going in, I think she'll do really well. She's proved that she can get on with most people, has a ready wit, and, best of all, she won't (hopefully) have John James to contend with.
Secondly, depending on who is actually going in, I think she'll do really well. She's proved that she can get on with most people, has a ready wit, and, best of all, she won't (hopefully) have John James to contend with.
So, is she going to carry on lying around sucking her thumb? If she doesn't, she could be accused of playing the game. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.
cologne 1
Without JJ she'll be a disaster. All her airtime has been about him. I would actually rather JJ won just to see Charley and John McCirrick pull the little twat apart from hour one.

Which is why their relationship is clearly make believe, they are nothing in that house without eachother.

It will be interesting to see how she copes without the airtime crutch of JJ1 .....but of course Josie doesn't understand this airtime thing, so she says with her innocent country girl act.
I'll give her two days MAX  and she will be out of there!!!
1) because she's a useless waste of space
2) because she might actually have to get off her arse to do something
3) because she wants to make sure crab-eyes isnt living it up outside
4) because she wants to make sure crab-eyes isnt living it up outside
5) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
7) because she will eaten alive
8) because she's boring as hell
as long as she's got the dress she robbed offa Rachel.2  she'll be ok I suppose   no nightwear, no eviction outfits..... she wont last in that house - NO WAY - up against those lot coming in afresh with their nice clothes n stuff... - she will out that door like a shot ready for the 'money' shots with crab-eyes  - then HE will grab his half and naff off back to Oz - t'ra then
I don't think she's a favourite with viewers, we just never had a chance to vote for her because the HMs haven't put her up. I seem to remember this happening to quite a few HMs in the past who weren't popular. Having said that, the voting system BB has set in place will favour her too and we will end up with a person who's done nothing but lounged in bed, with or without the object of her desire, sucked her thumb, picked his'n her nose and generally didn't give a shit. Let's all hail the carp that is BB now.
cologne 1
we just never had a chance to vote for her because the HMs haven't put her up
That's hardly BB's fault. She just escaped the HM's radar as the obvious waste of space she is. The HM's saw the nomance with her and JJ and were thus afraid to nominate her for fear of being unpopular. You may disagree but thousands of teenage girls with shit for brains are on my side.
She's still a favourite, for a reason?

Yes because the british public love HM's who pretend to be thick and play any card they can get hold of to go far (in Josie's case the weight card)   we in this country have low standards in our HM's, in other countries Josie's little act wouldn't fly with the public and she'd have been out by this country we celebrate stupidity and blandness, Brian Bellend , Rachel BB9, Anthony Hutton and bloody Sophie.

So now people are going into the house and will play the loveable but thick game or just do a Rachel BB9 and stay under the radar and hope for the best.

So Josie being favourite doesn't make her a genuine person or a worthy winner as she wouldn't win in more developed countries in regards to human behaviour, all it means is that we seem to be sucked in by her type.
I'm looking forward to seeing Josie without JJ.  I liked her in the beginning, and I luv the way she's played him/the game, but the duvet stuff left me cold, and I think she's pushed the boundaries of credibility with some of the stuff she's said. 

I think she could do well as her own person - look forward to seeing her prove me right
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Same reason why she is favourite with the viewers
She's not favourite with the viewers. On each poll to find favourites, she scores least. I'm not surprised. People bring up Rachel, do you remember her in bed 24/7 and trying desperately to get a romance going? No. Do you remember her sucking her thumb? No. Do you remember her picking her own or anybody's nose? No. I remember her arguing with Alex, Bex and the other one who didn't like her painting defaced. Rachel stood up to Rex day in and day out. Josie has never done anything like it.
cologne 1
Josie has stood up for herself, and others. Some choose not to see that.

I've never seen her stand up for anyone. She might  tell JJ he was out of order a few hours later, but when the actual offence is happening, she lies back with her thumb in her mouth, smirking.
She has NEVER stood up and backed someone when they needed it, at the time they were being attacked by her beloved.
Not like Aisleyne, who always waded in right when the aggro was happening.
Oh well, I supported Brian Big Down Belo, and Rachel, and Anfonee, just because they were the nicest options.

Thank Feck your not a BB producer who decides on the UBB show. 

Brian played at being thick because he knew we (as a nation) have low standards in our HM's in regards to intelligence or lack way has he never heard of Shakespear. 

Anthony wasn't even that nice lol,  he was a bland boy who looked bland and acted bland, the type of young lad you'd see any night at any nightclub in the land, why would anyone want an everyman to win?  I want something different from my HM's

Rachel was lovely and genuine BUT as dull as hell....not a decent winner of an entertainment show in my opinion.
Antnee was a twunt, and benefited from voters' misogyny. Makosi was hated for their romp in the pool - he was voted the winner.
Belo was a professional BB afficionado who knew 'thick' is the new 'cool' and played it all thge way to the final.
Rachel was the one person of those three who wasn't  a player. She's now a trainee teacher back here in Wales and has always shunned all the publicity. Dull as feck, though.
I've never seen her stand up for anyone. She might tell JJ he was out of order a few hours later, but when the actual offence is happening, she lies back with her thumb in her mouth, smirking. She has NEVER stood up and backed someone when they needed it, at the time they were being attacked by her beloved. Not like Aisleyne, who always waded in right when the aggro was happening
cologne 1

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