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Originally Posted by Cagney:
Read back what you just posted and take away the whole issue of telling them you're gay and tell me how that is an acceptable way for you or your mother to live? How far does it have to go before something is done about your father?
My mother loves him. He is a father and a husband as well as a grandfather and like I said before we live in a narrow minded small place where everyone knows everyone and it would just kill our family name if it ever came out about my gayness or my fathers brutality.
Mickey Maguire
Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Read back what you just posted and take away the whole issue of telling them you're gay and tell me how that is an acceptable way for you or your mother to live? How far does it have to go before something is done about your father?
My mother loves him. He is a father and a husband as well as a grandfather and like I said before we live in a narrow minded small place where everyone knows everyone and it would just kill our family name if it ever came out about my gayness or my fathers brutality. what you just said. You're resigned to NOT telling them. There will always be a reason why you can't. Parents, where you live, job, whatever. I bet there is more gayness and brutality in your small place than you know. Granted most of it will probably go on behind closed doors but if you want to be happy then you need to make a stand. Speak to your mum first. Maybe her knowing and knowing how you feel about your dads reaction will make her stand up for herself too. Most mothers will choose a child over a husband. Father, husband, grandad.....makes no difference. If he's a violent bully which from what you say he seems to be then he needs dealt with. Maybe he doesn't realise how he is. If he's been allowed to get away with it for so long unchallenged then he probably thinks he's doing no wrong.
Originally Posted by Antiope:
Not living with someone who beats and mocks you seems a starting point.
I agree. 

You are only treated how you allow yourself to be treated. There comes a time when you have to put yourself first. Nobody wants to think bad or do bad by their parents but if the situation is violent then surely common sense says do something about it
This is really heartbreaking.

You say your mother loves your Dad ------------does she really? I think you need to be making changes in your life for you and your mums sake. He really doesn't deserve the support of both of you. Speak to your mum - tell her how you feel. If she's with you that's all good - if she's not then you have to get them out of your flat. Give him (or them notice) inform the council - leave the coming out to one side for the mo.

It's more important that at forty years of age (or any age) that you are not under the threat of physical violence from a bully!

I'm not sure what advice there is out there but FGS do something - you deserve more. No one (your mum included) should live under the constant threat of violence.

It's undoubtdly  hard to make changes but you are a man - an adult - take the bull by the horns! At the very least stash some money away and rent a place of your own.

I really wish you well - you need to make some changes in your life - do yourself a favour and get the hell out of it! The coming out can come later!
Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
Thank you all for the pep talk. Tonights the night.
Sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind 

Don't do it if any of you are drinking though. Clear head 
I will do it when my dad comes back from his friday afternoon drinking routine.
Would probably be better if neither of you were drunk 
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
Thank you all for the pep talk. Tonights the night.
Sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind 

Don't do it if any of you are drinking though. Clear head 
I will do it when my dad comes back from his friday afternoon drinking routine.
Would probably be better if neither of you were drunk 
That doesn't happen often.
Mickey Maguire
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Glad it wasn't just me Eve.   

This mickie fella doesn't strike me as someone of 40 at all. 
Well I am deeply sorry for coming across as much younger than my years.
Why can't you move to another thread if you don't have any decent input for my problem, all you are doing is making me feel even more down and stupid than I already do.
Mickey Maguire
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