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Organise a large family meal - all the relatives and that - and tell 'em you're going to do a turn after dinner.  Just when they think they're about to get a wee song perhaps or a short comedy routine, wheel out the boy friend, drop your trousers and start rutting on the dining room table.  That ought to clear things up.
Originally Posted by Antiope:
Organise a large family meal - all the relatives and that - and tell 'em you're going to do a turn after dinner.  Just when they think they're about to get a wee song perhaps or a short comedy routine, wheel out the boy friend, drop your trousers and start rutting on the dining room table.  That ought to clear things up.
MY dad would wreck the joint and my grandmother would faint at the sight of me taking it over the dinner table.
Mickey Maguire
Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
Perhaps I  shall ask elsewhere! It seems very anti gay on here tonight for some reason.

You've been here before then? What's your normal handle? This forum is anything but anti-gay. Brisket and PC for example are much-loved and very popular. You've come out of nowhere and people are slightly suspicious. If you're a regular poster (as your last comment suggests) why not just say who you are and people will be more sympathetic.
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
Originally Posted by Mickey Maguire:
Perhaps I  shall ask elsewhere! It seems very anti gay on here tonight for some reason.

You've been here before then? What's your normal handle? This forum is anything but anti-gay. Brisket and PC for example are much-loved and very popular. You've come out of nowhere and people are slightly suspicious. If you're a regular poster (as your last comment suggests) why not just say who you are and people will be more sympathetic.

I have not had the courage to join before, but I like to read things. I'm jut so down right now what with all the problems at home and the health issues with my cat. I feel nobody is listening or caring. I feel like I'm being used by friends and family so I decided to join up yesterday. I was part of the c4 team atb one point but never really posted thee either.
Mickey Maguire
I would be if it was genuine or even possible, but you don't know how my dad can be, he would batter me senseless even if I told him I had made someone pregnant.

Strong views then, eh?  Perhaps he's secretly gay too?  Leave pristine copies of Attitude lying about and if they appear well-thumbed later on you'll know what's what. 

After that it's a family away day to Heaven and poppers ahoy.  Jobs a good 'un. 
Actually, here's a thought, Mickles.  Get him on here and I'll tell 'im.  I'm good at that kind of thing.  I once told a mates Dad that his son was quite partial to dressing up as Ruth Madoc and stalked the streets of Salford at night shouting Hi De Hi at passers by.

Admittedly none of that was true but still.
Originally Posted by justafriend:
could you afford to move out of the family home? (if you are that frightened of your dad) go stay with friends, if you could do that and then tell your parents, you have somewhere to stay if it all goes tits up so to speak.
All my friends are married with kids so moving out isn't an option for me right now. My dad would force me out the family home if he ever found out! I just feel I can't tell them because of how my dad is but it's really getting me down and is effecting my work and friendships are starting to unravel. I just feel so helpless.
Mickey Maguire
Maybe I shouldn't be but I'm amazed at the insensitivity and sarcasm towards Mickey and his problem. Whether he's new or not, whether he's seriously seeking advice or not is another issue. Why can't new members posts be taken at face value...if some of them are a wind up then so be it but at least give new members a chance and listen to them for a while before making a judgement.

Mickey as you don't feel you can tell your parents at the moment but need to speak to someone isn't there an advice centre for gays that you could talk to, they may be able to help, at least they'll listen.
Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Mickey as you don't feel you can tell your parents at the moment but need to speak to someone isn't there an advice centre for gays that you could talk to, they may be able to help, at least they'll listen.
This is a good place to start - they're not just for London but have information and advice for the whole country:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Maybe I shouldn't be but I'm amazed at the insensitivity and sarcasm towards Mickey and his problem. Whether he's new or not, whether he's seriously seeking advice or not is another issue. Why can't new members posts be taken at face value...if some of them are a wind up then so be it but at least give new members a chance and listen to them for a while before making a judgement.

Mickey as you don't feel you can tell your parents at the moment but need to speak to someone isn't there an advice centre for gays that you could talk to, they may be able to help, at least they'll listen.
I have thought about seeking advice yellow rose but even that is not an option for me as I live in such a small town. My dad is well known in the town and he would find out somehow.
Mickey Maguire
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